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Re: First pass for LDP-Author-Guide

jdd wrote:
> Le mer, 28 jun 2000, Mark Komarinski a �crit :
> >
> > Sounds like XML alright.  My impression (someone correct me when I go astray)
> > is that XML can store binary data within tags,
> will this mean real binary or text encoded one ? (as in mail)

My understanding is "yes" (either). (IANA XML Expert)

> > Ask the powers-that-be.  We're hashing this discussion around in another thread
> > (or is that one done?).  The idea is that if an author doesn't know DocBook, they
> > can write it in .txt, send it to the LDP, get it translated into DB,
> this could be nice if any translator is available

.txt -> SGML for small documents isn't all that hard.  I've done a few, and
will assist with translations as needed.

> then use
> > the LAG to maintain the document.
> if he can't use it in the first place, how will he do that ?

Writing something and maintaining it are at two levels of difficulty.
I'm a horrible C coder, but in college my friends had me debug their code
because I was better at maintaining the code than they were.

Once an author gets their document back in DB format, it should be easier
to maintain, since the perfect example is right in front of them.

> > No no no!  Then we're getting into software maintenance and that would
> > only increase the existing overhead.  RPM-based distros have the Cygnus
> > DocBook tools, which includes Jade, the DSSSL, and DB 3.1.  I already
> > documented this, and also document the "do it by hand" method after installing
> > all the tools separately.
> installing the suse 6.4 version only gave me a mess of jade error
> messages...

Anyone else have SuSe 6.4 and can help out?


Carlo Gavazzi IPC     | Mark F. Komarinski, RHCE - Compat. Engineer|
176 Second Ave        | markk@cgipc.com - www.cgipc.com            |
Waltham, MA 02451 USA | Ph: 781-266-1138  Fx: 781-290-4810         |

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