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Debian Euro HOWTO (Obsolete Documentation)
Chapter 6 - About this document

6.1 Why this document?

I (Javier) have been thinking for a time on how to provide automatic configuration of the euro issue on the lines of the automatic stuff done by castellanizar in user-es. After going through some information on the problem and reading some threads in debian related mailing lists like debian-i18n, debian-devel and debian-user-spanish, I decided to post a poll to test how euro support was amongst Spanish speakers (in debian-user-spanish). The results indicated that many people have not properly configured their systems even though Debian 2.2 (released more than a year ago) was ready for the euro problem.

This document is the first step towards writing an automated tool to configure the user system for full euro support. Even if this could be done when Debian users move to UTF-8 there is a need of a short term solution before that move comes about.

6.2 References

The following documents complement this one and are useful for the reader to learn more information regarding the euro, Internationalisation and Unicode:

Some other (official) references:

6.3 Changelog/History

List of changes done to this document.

6.4 Pending issues

This is a list of pending issues that some readers have sent and should be looked upon and documented appropriately:

6.5 Acknowledgements

I would like to take the opportunity to thanks all the people have contributed (knowingly or not) to the information contained in this HOWTO, specifically:

And of course, all other people that contributed bits of typos/corrections/suggestions of which these HOWTO is made of. If you, reader, have to thank someone is theirs for their effort and knowledge, I only put it together here.

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Debian Euro HOWTO (Obsolete Documentation)

version 1.2, june 4th 2003.

Javier Fern�ndez-Sanguino Pe�a jfs@computer.org