
*   @desc Dynamic mister wong link generator

$wong_id = 6; //default service id

if(WPLANG == 'de_DE'){
    $wong_id = 298;
}elseif(WPLANG == 'zh_CN' || WPLANG == 'zh_HK' || WPLANG == 'zh_TW'){
	$wong_id = 299;
}elseif(WPLANG == 'es_CL'  || WPLANG == 'es_ES' || WPLANG == 'es_PE' || WPLANG == 'es_VE'){
	$wong_id = 300;
}elseif(WPLANG == 'fr_FR' || WPLANG == 'fr_BE'){
	$wong_id = 301;
}elseif(WPLANG =='ru_RU' || WPLANG == 'ru_MA'){
	$wong_id = 302;

$checkthis_text = __('Check this box to include %s in your bookmarking menu', 'shrsb');

// array of bookmarks
		'id' => 278,
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text, 'Script &amp; Style'),
		'share'=>__('Submit this to ', 'shrsb').'Script &amp; Style'
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text, 'Blinklist'),
		'share'=>__('Share this on ', 'shrsb').'Blinklist'
		'share'=>__('Share this on ', 'shrsb').'del.icio.us'
		'share'=>__('Digg this!', 'shrsb')
		'share'=>__('Post this on ', 'shrsb').'Diigo'
		'share'=>__('Share this on ', 'shrsb').'Reddit'
		'share'=>__('Submit this to ', 'shrsb').'Twittley'
		'share'=>__('Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUpon', 'shrsb')
		'share'=>__('Share this on ', 'shrsb').'Technorati'
		'share'=>__('Share this on ', 'shrsb').'Mixx'
		'share'=>__('Post this to ', 'shrsb').'MySpace'
		'share'=>__('Submit this to ', 'shrsb').'DesignFloat'
		'share'=>__('Share this on ', 'shrsb').'Facebook'
		'share'=>__('Tweet This!', 'shrsb')
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text, __("an 'Email to a Friend' link", 'shrsb')),
		'share'=>__('Email this to a friend?', 'shrsb')
		'share'=>__('Suggest this article to ', 'shrsb').'ToMuse'
        'id' => NULL,
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text, __("a 'Subscribe to Comments' link", 'shrsb')),
		'share'=>__('Subscribe to the comments for this post?', 'shrsb'),
		'share'=>__('Share this on ', 'shrsb').'LinkedIn'
		'share'=>__('Seed this on ', 'shrsb').'Newsvine'
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'Google Bookmarks'),
		'share'=>__('Add this to ', 'shrsb').'Google Bookmarks'
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'Google Reader'),
		'share'=>__('Add this to ', 'shrsb').'Google Reader'
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'Google Buzz'),
		'share'=>__('Post on Google Buzz', 'shrsb')
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'Mister Wong'),
		'share'=>__('Add this to ', 'shrsb').'Mister Wong'
		'share'=>__('Add this to ', 'shrsb').'Izeby'
		'share'=>__('Share this on ', 'shrsb').'Tipd'
		'share'=>__('Share this on ', 'shrsb').'PFBuzz'
		'share'=>__('Share this on ', 'shrsb').'FriendFeed'
		'share'=>__('Mark this on ', 'shrsb').'BlogMarks'
		'share'=>__('Share this on ', 'shrsb').'Fwisp'
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'BobrDobr').__(' (Russian)', 'shrsb'),
		'share'=>__('Share this on ', 'shrsb').'BobrDobr'
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'Yandex.Bookmarks').__(' (Russian)', 'shrsb'),
		'share'=>__('Add this to ', 'shrsb').'Yandex.Bookmarks'
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'Memory.ru').__(' (Russian)', 'shrsb'),
		'share'=>__('Add this to ', 'shrsb').'Memory.ru'
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'100 bookmarks').__(' (Russian)', 'shrsb'),
		'share'=>__('Add this to ', 'shrsb').'100 bookmarks'
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'MyPlace').__(' (Russian)', 'shrsb'),
		'share'=>__('Add this to ', 'shrsb').'MyPlace'
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'Hacker News'),
		'share'=>__('Submit this to ', 'shrsb').'Hacker News'
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'Print Friendly'),
		'share'=>__('Send this page to ', 'shrsb').'Print Friendly'
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'Design Bump'),
		'share'=>__('Bump this on ', 'shrsb').'DesignBump'
		'share'=>__('Add this to ', 'shrsb').'Ning'
		'share'=>__('Post this to ', 'shrsb').'Identica'
		'share'=>__('Save this to ', 'shrsb').'Xerpi'
		'share'=>__('Tip this to ', 'shrsb').'TechMeme'
		'share'=>__('Sphinn this on ', 'shrsb').'Sphinn'
		'share'=>__('Post this to ', 'shrsb').'Posterous'
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'Global Grind'),
		'share'=>__('Grind this! on ', 'shrsb').'Global Grind'
		'share'=>__('Ping this on ', 'shrsb').'Ping.fm'
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'NUjij').__(' (Dutch)', 'shrsb'),
		'share'=>__('Submit this to ', 'shrsb').'NUjij'
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'eKudos').__(' (Dutch)', 'shrsb'),
		'share'=>__('Submit this to ', 'shrsb').'eKudos'
		'share'=>__('Submit this to ', 'shrsb').'Netvouz'
		'share'=>__('Submit this to ', 'shrsb').'Netvibes'
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'Web Blend'),
		'share'=>__('Blend this!', 'shrsb')
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'Wykop').__(' (Polish)', 'shrsb'),
		'share'=>__('Add this to Wykop!', 'shrsb')
		'share'=>__('Engage with this article!', 'shrsb')
		'share'=>__('Share this on ', 'shrsb').'Hyves'
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'Pusha').__(' (Swedish)', 'shrsb'),
		'share'=>__('Push this on ', 'shrsb').'Pusha'
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'Hatena Bookmarks').__(' (Japanese)', 'shrsb'),
		'share'=>__('Bookmarks this on ', 'shrsb').'Hatena Bookmarks'
		'share'=>__('Store this link on ', 'shrsb').'MyLinkVault'
		'share'=>__('Submit this to ', 'shrsb').'SlashDot'
		'share'=>__('Add to a lense on ', 'shrsb').'Squidoo'
		'share'=>__('Submit this to ', 'shrsb').'FAQpal'
		'share'=>__('Clip this to ', 'shrsb').'Evernote'
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'Meneame').__(' (Spanish)', 'shrsb'),
		'share'=>__('Submit this to ', 'shrsb').'Meneame'
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'Bitacoras').__(' (Spanish)', 'shrsb'),
		'share'=>__('Submit this to ', 'shrsb').'Bitacoras'
		'share'=>__('Submit this link to ', 'shrsb').'JumpTags'
		'share'=>__('Share this on ', 'shrsb').'Bebo'
		'share'=>__('Submit tip to ', 'shrsb').'N4G'
		'share'=>__('Submit this to ', 'shrsb').'Strands'
		'share'=>__('Promote this on ', 'shrsb').'Orkut'
		'share'=>__('Share this on ', 'shrsb').'Tumblr'
		'share'=>__('Add this to ', 'shrsb').'Stumpedia'
		'share'=>__('Post this to ', 'shrsb').'Current'
		'share'=>__('Blog this on ', 'shrsb').'Blogger'
		'share'=>__('Share this on ', 'shrsb').'Plurk'
		'share'=>__('Add this to ', 'shrsb').'DZone'
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'Kaevur').__(' (Estonian)', 'shrsb'),
		'share'=>__('Share this on ', 'shrsb').'Kaevur'
		'share'=>__('Share this on ', 'shrsb').'Virb'
		'share'=>__('Add this link to ', 'shrsb').'Box.net'
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'OkNotizie').__('(Italian)', 'shrsb'),
		'share'=>__('Share this on ', 'shrsb').'OkNotizie'
		'share'=>__('Add this to ', 'shrsb').'BonzoBox'
		'share'=>__('Share this on ', 'shrsb').'Plaxo'
		'share'=>__('Spring this on ', 'shrsb').'SpringPad',
		'share'=>__('Box this on ', 'shrsb').'Zabox'
		'share'=>__('Share this on ', 'shrsb').'Viadeo'
		'share'=>__('Email this via ', 'shrsb').'Gmail'
		'share'=>__('Email this via ', 'shrsb').'Hotmail'
		'check'=>sprintf($checkthis_text,'Yahoo! Mail'),
		'share'=>__('Email this via ', 'shrsb').'Yahoo! Mail'
		'share'=>__('Share this via ', 'shrsb').'Buzzster!'
ksort($shrsb_bookmarks_data, SORT_STRING); //sort array by keys