is_front() || ! is_content_administrator_rs() ) { add_filter('get_terms_args', array(&$this, 'flt_get_terms_args'), 50, 2); add_filter('terms_clauses', array(&$this, 'flt_terms_clauses'), 50, 3); add_filter('get_terms', array(&$this, 'flt_get_terms'), 0, 3); // WPML registers at priority 1 // Since the NOT IN subquery is a painful aberration for filtering, replace it with the separate term query used by WP prior to 2.7 add_filter('posts_where', array($this, 'flt_cat_not_in_subquery'), 1); } $this->no_cache = defined( 'SCOPER_NO_TERMS_CACHE' ) || ( ! defined('SCOPER_QTRANSLATE_COMPAT') && awp_is_plugin_active('qtranslate') ); } function get_cache_key( $taxonomy, $args, $criteria ) { // $default_criteria = array( 'is_term_admin' => false, 'filter_key' => '', 'required_operation' => '' ); $arg_ser = md5( serialize($args) ); if ( ! isset( $this->current_cache_key[$taxonomy][$arg_ser] ) ) { extract( $criteria ); if ( ! isset($required_operation) ) { $required_operation = ''; } $this->current_cache_key[$taxonomy][$arg_ser] = md5( $taxonomy . serialize( $args ) . $filter_key . serialize( $GLOBALS['scoper']->get_terms_reqd_caps($taxonomy, $required_operation, $is_term_admin) ) ); } return $this->current_cache_key[$taxonomy][$arg_ser]; } function doing_teaser( $args ) { $fields = ( isset( $args['actual_args']['fields'] ) ) ? $args['actual_args']['fields'] : $args['fields']; return ( ( 'all' == $fields ) && $GLOBALS['scoper']->is_front() && empty($args['skip_teaser']) && scoper_get_otype_option('do_teaser', 'post') ); } function skip_filtering( $taxonomies, $args ) { global $scoper; if ( ! empty( $args['rs_no_filter'] ) ) return true; // this filtering currently only supports a single taxonomy for each get_terms call // (although the terms_where filter does support multiple taxonomies and this function could be made to do so) if ( count($taxonomies) > 1 ) return true; $taxonomy = reset($taxonomies); if ( ! $tx_obj = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy ) ) return true; $use_taxonomies = array(); if ( is_admin() ) { if ( ( 'nav-menus.php' == $GLOBALS['pagenow'] ) && ( 'nav_menu' != $taxonomy ) ) { if ( ! scoper_get_option( 'admin_nav_menu_filter_items' ) ) return true; } } else { if ( array_intersect( $tx_obj->object_type, get_post_types( array( 'public' => true ) ) ) ) { $use_taxonomies = scoper_get_option( 'use_taxonomies' ); if ( empty( $use_taxonomies[$taxonomy] ) ) { return true; } } } // no wp-admin filtering for administrators (filters not added in that case) if ( ( is_admin() || defined('XMLRPC_REQUEST') ) && is_content_administrator_rs() ) return true; // link category roles / restrictions are only scoped for management (TODO: review this) if ( ( 'link_category' == $taxonomy ) && $scoper->is_front() ) return $results; if ( $args['child_of'] || $args['parent'] ) { $children = ScoperAncestry::get_terms_children($taxonomy); if ( $args['child_of'] && ! isset($children[ $args['child_of'] ]) ) return 'empty_result'; // get_terms filter will return empty result array if ( $args['parent'] && ! isset($children[ $args['parent'] ]) ) return 'empty_result'; // get_terms filter will return empty result array } return false; } function get_filter_criteria( $args ) { $return = array(); $return['filter_key'] = ( has_filter('list_terms_exclusions') ) ? serialize($GLOBALS['wp_filter']['list_terms_exclusions']) : ''; if ( empty($args['required_operation']) ) { // support Quick Post Widget plugin if ( ! empty($args['name']) && ( 'quick_post_cat' == $args['name'] ) ) { $return['required_operation'] = 'edit'; $return['post_type'] = 'post'; $return['remap_parents'] = true; } } if ( '' === $args['is_term_admin'] ) { $return['is_term_admin'] = in_array( $GLOBALS['pagenow'], array( 'edit-tags.php', 'edit-link-categories.php' ) ); } else { // support Quick Post Widget plugin if ( ! empty($args['name']) && ( 'quick_post_new_cat_parent' == $args['name'] ) ) { $return['is_term_admin'] = true; $return['remap_parents'] = true; } } return $return; } function flt_get_terms_args( $args, $taxonomies ) { if ( $this->skip_filtering( $taxonomies, $args ) ) return $args; $taxonomy = reset($taxonomies); $rs_defaults = array( 'depth' => 0, 'skip_teaser' => false, 'remap_parents' => -1, 'enforce_actual_depth' => -1, 'remap_thru_excluded_parent' => -1, 'post_type' => '', 'required_operation' => '', 'is_term_admin' => '', ); $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $rs_defaults ); $args['child_of'] = (int) $args['child_of']; // null value will confuse subsequent RS checks if ( $args['post_type'] && is_string($args['post_type']) ) $args['post_type'] = explode( ',', $args['post_type'] ); // depth is not really a get_terms arg, but remap exclude arg to exclude_tree if wp_list_terms called with depth=1 if ( ! empty($args['exclude']) && empty($args['exclude_tree']) && ( 1 == $args['depth'] ) ) { $args['exclude_tree'] = $args['exclude']; } if ( is_admin() ) { global $wpdb; switch( $GLOBALS['pagenow'] ) { case 'edit-tags.php' : $tx_obj = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy ); if ( $tx_obj->hierarchical && ! empty( $_REQUEST['tag_ID'] ) ) { $editing_term_id = intval($_REQUEST['tag_ID']); // don't offer to set a category as its own parent if ( ! empty($args['exclude']) ) $args['exclude'] .= ','; $args['exclude'] .= $_REQUEST['tag_ID']; } break; case 'nav-menus.php' : if ( ( 'nav_menu' != $taxonomy ) && scoper_get_option( 'admin_nav_menu_filter_items' ) ) $args['hide_empty'] = true; break; default: } // end switch } // turn off core post-processing of the result set, but buffer actual arg values for equivalent RS post-processing $buffer_args = array(); foreach ( array( 'child_of' => 0, 'pad_counts' => false, 'hide_empty' => false, 'number' => '' ) as $arg_name => $force_val ) { if ( $args[$arg_name] != $force_val ) { $buffer_args[$arg_name] = $args[$arg_name]; $args[$arg_name] = $force_val; } } if ( in_array( $args['fields'], array( 'ids', 'names', 'id=>parent' ) ) ) { // flt_get_terms needs parent col in intermediate result set even if final result set will be ids only, will convert result set back to expected format before returning add_filter( 'get_terms_fields', create_function( '$a,$b', "return array('t.*', 'tt.*');" ), 1, 2 ); $buffer_args['fields'] = $args['fields']; $args['fields'] = 'force_all'; } if ( $buffer_args ) $args['actual_args'] = $buffer_args; return $args; } function flt_terms_clauses($clauses, $taxonomies, $args) { if ( $skip = $this->skip_filtering( $taxonomies, $args ) ) return $clauses; global $scoper; $taxonomy = reset($taxonomies); extract( $args, EXTR_SKIP ); $criteria = $this->get_filter_criteria( $args ); extract( $criteria ); // sets $is_term_admin, $filter_key, $required_operation' (may also force $post_type and $remap_parents) if ( ! $this->no_cache ) { $ckey = $this->get_cache_key( $taxonomy, $args, $criteria ); $cache = $GLOBALS['current_rs_user']->cache_get( 'rs_get_terms' ); if ( false !== $cache ) { if ( !is_array($cache) ) $cache = array(); if ( isset( $cache[ $ckey ] ) ) { return $clauses; // flt_get_terms() will return a cached result, so no need to further process query pieces } } } if ( ( 0 === $parent ) && ('ids' == $fields) ) { // otherwise termroles only work if parent terms also have role $clauses['where'] = str_replace( " AND tt.parent = '$parent'", '', $clauses['where'] ); } if ( $hide_empty && ! $orig_args['hide_empty'] && ! $hierarchical ) { // hide_empty may have been set by modify_args() $clauses['where'] .= ' AND tt.count > 0'; } if ( is_admin() && ( 'edit-tags.php' == $GLOBALS['pagenow'] ) && ! empty( $_REQUEST['tag_ID'] ) ) { $tx_obj = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy ); if ( $tx_obj->hierarchical ) { // don't filter current parent category out of selection UI even if current user can't manage it $clauses['where'] .= " OR t.term_id = (SELECT parent FROM {$GLOBALS['wpdb']->term_taxonomy} WHERE term_id = '" . intval($_REQUEST['tag_ID']) . "') "; } } // we forced $args['fields'] to preserve parent col in result set, but now filter clause back to proper fields if ( isset($actual_args['fields']) ) { $selects = array('t.term_id', 'tt.parent', 'tt.count'); if ( 'names' == $actual_args['fields'] ) $selects []= ''; $clauses['fields'] = implode(', ', apply_filters( 'get_terms_fields', $selects, $args )); $fields = $actual_args['fields']; // for term_taxonomy_id check below } if ( in_array( $fields, array( 'ids', 'id=>parent', 'names' ) ) ) { if ( $clauses['fields'] && ( false === strpos( $clauses['fields'], 'tt.term_taxonomy_id' ) ) && ( false === strpos( $clauses['fields'], '*' ) ) ) $clauses['fields'] .= ', tt.term_taxonomy_id'; } // only force application of scoped query filter if we're NOT doing a teaser $term_id_col = ( strpos( $clauses['join'], ' AS tt' ) ) ? 'tt.term_taxonomy_id' : 't.term_id'; $clauses['where'] = apply_filters( 'terms_where_rs', $clauses['where'], $taxonomy, array( 'term_id_col' => $term_id_col, 'skip_teaser' => ! $this->doing_teaser($args), 'is_term_admin' => $is_term_admin, 'required_operation' => $required_operation, 'post_type' => $post_type ) ); // WPML attempts to pull taxonomy out of debug_backtrace() unless set in $_GET or $_POST; previous filter execution throws it off if ( defined('ICL_SITEPRESS_VERSION') && ! isset($_GET['taxonomy'] ) ) $_GET['taxonomy'] = $taxonomy; if ( 0 !== strpos( $clauses['fields'], 'DISTINCT ' ) ) $clauses['fields'] = 'DISTINCT ' . $clauses['fields']; return $clauses; } // Cap requirements depend on access type, and are specified by Scoper::get_terms_reqd_caps() corresponding to taxonomy in question function flt_get_terms($terms, $taxonomies, $args) { if ( empty($terms) ) { return array(); } if ( $skip = $this->skip_filtering( $taxonomies, $args ) ) { if ( 'return_empty' === $skip ) { return array(); } else { return $terms; } } $taxonomy = reset($taxonomies); extract( $args, EXTR_SKIP ); $criteria = $this->get_filter_criteria( $args ); extract( $criteria ); // sets $is_term_admin, $filter_key, $required_operation' (may also force $post_type and $remap_parents) //d_echo( 'flt_get_terms input:' ); //dump($terms); if ( ! $this->no_cache ) { // NOTE: this caching eliminates both the results post-processing below and query clause filtering in flt_terms_clauses() $ckey = $this->get_cache_key( $taxonomy, $args, $criteria ); $cache_flag = 'rs_get_terms'; $cache = $GLOBALS['current_rs_user']->cache_get( $cache_flag ); if ( false !== $cache ) { if ( !is_array($cache) ) $cache = array(); if ( isset( $cache[ $ckey ] ) ) { return $cache[ $ckey ]; } } } // if some args were forced to prevent core post-processing, restore actual values now if ( ! empty( $args['actual_args'] ) ) extract( $args['actual_args'] ); // we'll need this array in most cases, to support a disjointed tree with some parents missing (note alternate function call - was _get_term_hierarchy) $children = ScoperAncestry::get_terms_children( $taxonomy ); if ( 'all' == $fields ) { // buffer term names in case they were filtered previously $term_names = scoper_get_property_array( $terms, 'term_id', 'name' ); $ancestors = ScoperAncestry::get_term_ancestors( $taxonomy ); // array of all ancestor IDs for keyed term_id, with direct parent first if ( ( $parent > 0 ) || ! $hierarchical ) { // in Term Edit form, need to list all editable terms even if parent is not editable $remap_parents = false; $enforce_actual_depth = true; $remap_thru_excluded_parent = false; } else { // if these settings were passed into this get_terms call, use them if ( is_admin() ) { $remap_parents = true; } else { if ( -1 === $remap_parents ) $remap_parents = scoper_get_option( 'remap_term_parents' ); if ( $remap_parents ) { if ( -1 === $enforce_actual_depth ) $enforce_actual_depth = scoper_get_option( 'enforce_actual_term_depth' ); if ( -1 === $remap_thru_excluded_parent ) $remap_thru_excluded_parent = scoper_get_option( 'remap_thru_excluded_term_parent' ); } } } $remap_args = compact( 'child_of', 'parent', 'depth', 'orderby', 'remap_parents', 'enforce_actual_depth', 'remap_thru_excluded_parent' ); ScoperHardway::remap_tree( $terms, $ancestors, 'term_id', 'parent', $remap_args ); } if ( ( $child_of || $hierarchical ) && ! empty($children) ) $terms = rs_get_term_descendants($child_of, $terms, $taxonomy); // rs_get_term_descendants is RS equivalent to WP _get_term_children() if ( ! $terms ) return array(); // Replace DB-stored term counts with actual number of posts this user can read. // In addition, without the rs_tally_term_counts() call, WP will hide terms that have no public posts (even if this user can read some of the pvt posts). // Post counts will be incremented to include child terms only if $pad_counts is true if ( ! defined('XMLRPC_REQUEST') && in_array( $fields, array( 'all', 'ids', 'names' ) ) && ! $is_term_admin ) { if ( ! is_admin() || ! in_array( $GLOBALS['pagenow'], array( 'post.php', 'post-new.php' ) ) ) { // rs_tally_term_counts() is RS equivalent to WP _pad_term_counts() rs_tally_term_counts($terms, $taxonomy, array('pad_counts' => $pad_counts, 'skip_teaser' => ! $this->doing_teaser($args), 'post_type' => $post_type ) ); } } // Empty terms will be identified via count property set by rs_tally_term_counts() instead of 'count > 0' clause, to reflect logged user's actual post access (including readable private posts) if ( $hide_empty ) { if ( $hierarchical ) { // Remove empty categories, but only if their descendants are all empty too. foreach ( $terms as $k => $term ) { if ( ! $term->count ) { if ( $descendants = rs_get_term_descendants($term->term_id, $terms, $taxonomies[0]) ) { foreach ( $descendants as $child ) { if ( $child->count ) continue 2; } } // It really is empty unset($terms[$k]); } } } else { foreach ( $terms as $key => $term ) if ( ! $term->count ) unset( $terms[$key] ); } } reset ( $terms ); // === Standard WP post-processing for include, fields, number args === // if ( ! empty($include) ) { $interms = wp_parse_id_list($include); foreach( $terms as $key => $term ) { if ( ! in_array( $term->term_id, $interms ) ) unset( $terms[$key] ); } } $_terms = array(); if ( 'id=>parent' == $fields ) { while ( $term = array_shift($terms) ) $_terms[$term->term_id] = $term->parent; $terms = $_terms; } elseif ( 'ids' == $fields ) { while ( $term = array_shift($terms) ) $_terms[] = $term->term_id; $terms = $_terms; } elseif ( 'names' == $fields ) { while ( $term = array_shift($terms) ) $_terms[] = $term->name; $terms = $_terms; } if ( 0 < $number && intval(@count($terms)) > $number ) { $terms = array_slice($terms, $offset, $number); } // === end standard WP block === if ( ! $this->no_cache ) { $cache[ $ckey ] = $terms; $GLOBALS['current_rs_user']->cache_set( $cache, $cache_flag ); } // restore buffered term names in case they were filtered previously if ( 'all' == $fields ) scoper_restore_property_array( $terms, $term_names, 'term_id', 'name' ); return $terms; } function flt_cat_not_in_subquery( $where ) { if ( strpos( $where, "ID NOT IN ( SELECT tr.object_id" ) ) { global $wp_query; global $wpdb; // Since the NOT IN subquery is a painful aberration for filtering, // replace it with the separatare term query used by WP prior to 2.7 if ( strpos( $where, "AND {$wpdb->posts}.ID NOT IN ( SELECT tr.object_id" ) ) { // global wp_query is not set on manual WP_Query calls by template code $whichcat = ''; $ids = get_objects_in_term($wp_query->query_vars['category__not_in'], 'category'); if ( is_wp_error( $ids ) ) $ids = array(); if ( is_array($ids) && count($ids > 0) ) { $out_posts = "'" . implode("', '", $ids) . "'"; $whichcat .= " AND $wpdb->posts.ID NOT IN ($out_posts)"; } $where = preg_replace( "/ AND {$wpdb->posts}\.ID NOT IN \( SELECT tr\.object_id [^)]*\) \)/", $whichcat, $where ); } } return $where; } } ?>