<?php if( basename(__FILE__) == basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) ) die(); class QueryInterceptorBase_RS { var $scoper; function QueryInterceptorBase_RS() { $this->scoper =& $GLOBALS['scoper']; add_filter('posts_where', array(&$this, 'flt_defeat_publish_filter'), 40); // have to run this filter before QueryInterceptor_RS::flt_objects_where add_filter('objects_listing_rs', array(&$this, 'flt_objects_listing'), 50, 4); $arg_str = '$a'; foreach ( $this->scoper->data_sources->get_all() as $src_name => $src ) { if ( isset($src->query_hooks->listing) ) { // Call our abstract handlers with a lambda function that passes in original hook name // In effect, make WP pass the hook name so multiple hooks can be registered to a single handler $rs_args = "'$src_name', '', '' "; $func = "return apply_filters( 'objects_listing_rs', $arg_str , $rs_args );"; add_filter( $src->query_hooks->listing, create_function( $arg_str, $func ), 50, 1 ); //d_echo ("adding filter: $original_hook -> $func <br />"); } } //foreach data_sources } // Eliminate a primary plugin incompatibility by replacing front-end status='publish' requirement with scoped equivalent // (i.e. include private posts/pages that this user has access to via RS role assignment). // // Also defeats status requirement imposed by WP core when query includes a custom taxonomy requirement function flt_defeat_publish_filter($where) { $post_type = cr_find_post_type(); $post_type_obj = get_post_type_object( $post_type ); $object_id = scoper_get_object_id( 'post', $post_type ); // don't alter the query if RS query filtering is disabled, or if this maneuver has been disabled via constant // note: for non-administrators, QueryInterceptor_RS::flt_objects_where will convert the publish requirement to publish OR private, if the user's blog role or RS-assigned roles grant private access if ( ! is_content_administrator_rs() || defined('SCOPER_RETAIN_PUBLISH_FILTER') || defined('DISABLE_QUERYFILTERS_RS') ) return $where; global $wp_query; if ( is_admin() && ! empty( $wp_query->query['post_status'] ) ) // if a specific status was requested by URI, don't force inclusion of others return $where; // don't alter the where clause if in wp-admin and not filtering by taxonomy if ( is_admin() ) { global $wp_query; if ( empty($wp_query) && empty($wp_query->is_tax) ) return $where; } global $wpdb, $current_user; // don't alter the where clause for anonymous users if ( empty( $current_user->ID ) ) return $where; $where = preg_replace( "/$wpdb->posts.post_status\s*=\s*'publish'/", "($wpdb->posts.post_status = 'publish' OR $wpdb->posts.post_status = 'private')", $where); $where = preg_replace( "/p2.post_status\s*=\s*'publish'/", "(p2.post_status = 'publish' OR p2.post_status = 'private')", $where); $where = preg_replace( "/p.post_status\s*=\s*'publish'/", "(p.post_status = 'publish' OR p.post_status = 'private')", $where); return $where; } // can't do this from posts_results or it will throw off found_rows used for admin paging function flt_objects_listing($results, $src_name, $object_types, $args = array()) { global $wpdb; // it's not currently necessary or possible to log listed revisions from here //if ( isset($wpdb->last_query) && strpos( $wpdb->last_query, "post_type = 'revision'") ) // return $results; // if currently listed IDs are not already in post_cache, make our own equivalent memcache // ( create this cache for any data source, front end or admin ) if ( 'post' == $src_name ) global $wp_object_cache; $listed_ids = array(); //if ( ('post' != $src_name) || empty($wp_object_cache->cache['posts']) ) { if ( empty($this->scoper->listed_ids[$src_name]) ) { if ( $col_id = $this->scoper->data_sources->member_property( $src_name, 'cols', 'id' ) ) { $listed_ids = array(); // In edit.php, WP forces all objects into recordset for hierarchical post types. But for perf enchancement, we need to know IDs of items which are actually listed if ( 'edit.php' == $GLOBALS['pagenow'] ) { $post_type = ( ! empty( $_GET['post_type'] ) ) ? $_GET['post_type'] : 'post'; $determine_listed_ids = ! is_content_administrator_rs() && is_post_type_hierarchical( $post_type ) && ! empty( $GLOBALS['query_interceptor']->last_request[$src_name] ) && ! strpos( $GLOBALS['query_interceptor']->last_request[$src_name], 'LIMIT ' ); if ( $determine_listed_ids ) { // mimic recordset paging used in edit.php $pagenum = isset( $_GET['paged'] ) ? absint( $_GET['paged'] ) : 0; if ( empty($pagenum) ) $pagenum = 1; $edit_per_page = 'edit_' . $post_type . '_per_page'; $per_page = (int) get_user_option( $edit_per_page ); if ( empty( $per_page ) || $per_page < 1 ) $per_page = 20; $per_page = apply_filters( $edit_per_page, $per_page ); $per_page = apply_filters( 'edit_posts_per_page', $per_page, $post_type ); if ( count($results) <= $per_page ) $determine_listed_ids = false; } } else $determine_listed_ids = false; if ( $determine_listed_ids ) { // Construct and execute a secondary query (for IDs only) which includes the paging clause that would be used if edit.php did not defeat it $pgstrt = ($pagenum - 1) * $per_page . ', '; $limits = ' LIMIT ' . $pgstrt . $per_page; global $wpdb; $qry = $GLOBALS['query_interceptor']->last_request[$src_name] . $limits; $qry = str_replace ( "$wpdb->posts.*", "$wpdb->posts.ID", $qry ); $_results = scoper_get_results( $qry ); foreach ( $_results as $row ) { if ( isset($row->$col_id) ) $listed_ids [$row->$col_id] = true; } } else { // No secondary query, just buffer all IDs in the results set foreach ( $results as $row ) if ( isset($row->$col_id) ) $listed_ids [$row->$col_id] = true; } if ( empty($this->scoper->listed_ids) ) $this->scoper->listed_ids = array(); $this->scoper->listed_ids[$src_name] = $listed_ids; } } else return $results; //} // now determine what restrictions were in place on these results // (currently only for post data source, front end or manage posts/pages) // // possible todo: support other data sources, WP role type if ( 'edit.php' == $GLOBALS['pagenow'] ) { if ( scoper_get_otype_option('restrictions_column', 'post') || scoper_get_otype_option('term_roles_column', 'post') || scoper_get_otype_option('object_roles_column', 'post') ) { global $scoper_role_usage; require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/role_usage_rs.php' ); $scoper_role_usage = new Role_Usage_RS(); $scoper_role_usage->determine_role_usage_rs( 'post', $listed_ids ); } } return $results; } } // end class ?>