groups_rs ($wpdb->groups_name_col, $wpdb->groups_descript_col) VALUES ('$name','$description')"; scoper_query( $insert ); wpp_cache_flush_group('all_usergroups'); wpp_cache_flush_group('group_members' ); wpp_cache_flush_group('usergroups_for_user'); wpp_cache_flush_group('usergroups_for_groups'); wpp_cache_flush_group('usergroups_for_ug'); do_action('created_group_rs', (int) $wpdb->insert_id); return (int) $wpdb->insert_id; } /** * Removes a given group * * @param int $id - Identifier of the group to delete * @param boolean True if the deletion is successful **/ function deleteGroup ($group_id){ global $wpdb; if( ! $group_id || ! UserGroups_tp::getGroup($group_id) ) return false; do_action('delete_group_rs', $group_id); wpp_cache_flush_group( 'all_usergroups' ); wpp_cache_flush_group( 'group_members' ); wpp_cache_flush_group( 'usergroups_for_user' ); wpp_cache_flush_group( 'usergroups_for_groups' ); wpp_cache_flush_group( 'usergroups_for_ug' ); // first delete all cache entries related to this group if ( $group_members = ScoperAdminLib::get_group_members( $group_id, COL_ID_RS ) ) { $id_in = "'" . implode("', '", $group_members) . "'"; $any_user_roles = scoper_get_var("SELECT assignment_id FROM $wpdb->user2role2object_rs WHERE role_type = 'rs' AND user_id IN ($id_in) LIMIT 1"); foreach ($group_members as $user_id ) wpp_cache_delete( $user_id, 'group_membership_for_user' ); } //if ( $got_blogrole = scoper_get_var("SELECT assignment_id FROM $wpdb->user2role2object_rs WHERE scope = 'blog' AND role_type = 'rs' AND group_id = '$group_id' LIMIT 1") ) { scoper_query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->user2role2object_rs WHERE scope = 'blog' AND role_type = 'rs' AND group_id = '$group_id'"); scoper_flush_roles_cache( BLOG_SCOPE_RS, ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS ); if ( $any_user_roles ) scoper_flush_roles_cache( BLOG_SCOPE_RS, ROLE_BASIS_USER_AND_GROUPS, $group_members ); //} //if ( $got_taxonomyrole = scoper_get_var("SELECT assignment_id FROM $wpdb->user2role2object_rs WHERE scope = 'term' AND role_type = 'rs' AND group_id = '$group_id' LIMIT 1") ) { scoper_query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->user2role2object_rs WHERE scope = 'term' AND role_type = 'rs' AND group_id = '$group_id'"); scoper_flush_roles_cache( TERM_SCOPE_RS, ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS ); if ( $any_user_roles ) scoper_flush_roles_cache( TERM_SCOPE_RS, ROLE_BASIS_USER_AND_GROUPS, $group_members ); //} //if ( $got_objectrole = scoper_get_var("SELECT assignment_id FROM $wpdb->user2role2object_rs WHERE scope = 'object' AND role_type = 'rs' AND group_id = '$group_id' LIMIT 1") ) { scoper_query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->user2role2object_rs WHERE scope = 'object' AND role_type = 'rs' AND group_id = '$group_id'"); scoper_flush_roles_cache( OBJECT_SCOPE_RS, ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS ); if ( $any_user_roles ) scoper_flush_roles_cache( OBJECT_SCOPE_RS, ROLE_BASIS_USER_AND_GROUPS, $group_members ); //} //if ( $got_blogrole || $got_taxonomyrole || $got_objectrole ) { scoper_flush_results_cache( ROLE_BASIS_GROUPS ); if ( $any_user_roles ) scoper_flush_results_cache( ROLE_BASIS_USER_AND_GROUPS, $group_members ); //} $delete = "DELETE FROM $wpdb->groups_rs WHERE $wpdb->groups_id_col='$group_id'"; scoper_query( $delete ); $delete = "DELETE FROM $wpdb->user2group_rs WHERE $wpdb->user2group_gid_col='$group_id'"; scoper_query( $delete ); return true; } /** * Checks if a group with a given name exists * * @param string $name - Name of the group to test * @return boolean True if the group exists, false otherwise. **/ function groupExists($name) { global $wpdb; $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->groups_rs WHERE $wpdb->groups_name_col = '$name'"; $results = scoper_get_var( $query ); return $results != 0; } /** * Verifies if a group name is valid (for a new group) * * @param string $string - Name of the group * @return boolean True if the name is valid, false otherwise. **/ function isValidName($string){ if($string == "" || UserGroups_tp::groupExists($string)){ return false; } return true; } /** * Updates an existing Group * * @param int $groupID - Group identifier * @param string $name - Name of the group * @param string $description - Group description (optional) * @return boolean True on successful update **/ function updateGroup ($group_id, $name, $description = ''){ global $wpdb; $description = strip_tags($description); if ( $prev = scoper_get_row("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->groups_rs WHERE $wpdb->groups_id_col='$group_id';") ) { if( ($prev->{$wpdb->groups_name_col} != $name) && ! UserGroups_tp::isValidName($name)) return false; // don't allow updating of metagroup name / descript if( ! empty($prev->meta_id) ) return false; } do_action('update_group_rs', $group_id); $query = "UPDATE $wpdb->groups_rs SET $wpdb->groups_name_col = '$name', $wpdb->groups_descript_col='$description' WHERE $wpdb->groups_id_col='$group_id';"; scoper_query( $query ); wpp_cache_flush_group('all_usergroups'); wpp_cache_flush_group('group_members' ); wpp_cache_flush_group('usergroups_for_user'); wpp_cache_flush_group('usergroups_for_groups'); wpp_cache_flush_group('usergroups_for_ug'); return true; } function update_group_members_multi_status( $group_id, $current_members ) { $posted_members = array(); $is_administrator = is_user_administrator_rs(); $can_manage = $is_administrator || current_user_can( 'manage_groups' ); $can_moderate = $can_manage || current_user_can( 'recommend_group_membership' ); if ( ! $can_moderate && ! current_user_can( 'request_group_membership' ) ) return; if ( $can_manage ) $posted_members['active'] = explode( ',', trim($_POST['current_agents_rs_csv'], ',') ); else $current_members = array_diff_key( $current_members, array( 'active' => true ) ); if ( $can_moderate ) { $current_members['recommended'] = ScoperAdminLib::get_group_members($group_id, COL_ID_RS, false, array( 'status' => 'recommended' ) ); if ( ! empty($_POST['recommended_agents_rs_csv']) ) $posted_members['recommended'] = explode( ',', trim($_POST['recommended_agents_rs_csv'], ',') ); } $current_members['requested'] = ScoperAdminLib::get_group_members($group_id, COL_ID_RS, false, array( 'status' => 'requested' ) ); if ( ! empty($_POST['requested_agents_rs_csv']) ) $posted_members['requested'] = explode( ',', trim($_POST['requested_agents_rs_csv'], ',') ); $all_current_members = agp_array_flatten ( $current_members ); $all_posted_members = agp_array_flatten ( $posted_members ); foreach ( $current_members as $status => $stored ) { // remove group memberships which were not posted for any status foreach ( $stored as $user_id ) { if ( $user_id ) if ( ! in_array( $user_id, $all_posted_members ) ) ScoperAdminLib::remove_group_user($group_id, $user_id); } } foreach ( $posted_members as $status => $posted ) { // insert or update group memberships as specified foreach ( $posted as $user_id ) { if ( $user_id ) if ( ! in_array( $user_id, $all_current_members ) ) ScoperAdminLib::add_group_user($group_id, $user_id, $status); elseif ( ! in_array( $user_id, $current_members[$status] ) ) ScoperAdminLib::update_group_user($group_id, $user_id, $status); } } } // Called once each for members checklist, managers checklist in admin UI. // In either case, current (checked) members are at the top of the list. function group_members_checklist( $group_id, $user_class = 'member', $all_users = '' ) { global $scoper; if ( ! $all_users ) $all_users = $scoper->users_who_can('', COLS_ID_NAME_RS); if ( $group_id ) $group = ScoperAdminLib::get_group($group_id); if ( 'member' == $user_class ) { $current_ids = ($group_id) ? array_flip(ScoperAdminLib::get_group_members($group_id, COL_ID_RS)) : array(); if ( ! empty($group) && in_array( $group->meta_id, array( 'rv_pending_rev_notice_ed_nr_', 'rv_scheduled_rev_notice_ed_nr_' ) ) ) { $args = array( 'any_object' => true ); $eligible_ids = array(); foreach( get_post_types( array( 'public' => true ), 'object' ) as $_type => $_type_obj ) { $args['object_type'] = $_type; $type_eligible_ids = $scoper->users_who_can( array( $_type_obj->cap->edit_published_posts, $_type_obj->cap->edit_others_posts ), COL_ID_RS, 'post', 0, $args ); $eligible_ids = array_merge( $eligible_ids, $type_eligible_ids ); } $eligible_ids = array_unique( $eligible_ids ); } else { // force_all_users arg is a temporary measure to ensure that any user can be viewed / added to a sitewide MU group regardless of what blog backend it's edited through $_args = ( IS_MU_RS && scoper_get_option( 'mu_sitewide_groups', true ) ) ? array( 'force_all_users' => true ) : array(); $eligible_ids = $scoper->users_who_can( '', COL_ID_RS, '', '', $_args ); } $admin_ids = array(); } else { $group_role_defs = ( 'moderator' == $user_class ) ? array( 'rs_group_moderator' ) : array( 'rs_group_manager' ); if ( $group_id ) { require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/role_assignment_lib_rs.php'); $current_roles = ScoperRoleAssignments::organize_assigned_roles(OBJECT_SCOPE_RS, 'group', $group_id, $group_role_defs, ROLE_BASIS_USER); $current_roles = agp_array_flatten($current_roles, false); $current_ids = ( isset($current_roles['assigned']) ) ? $current_roles['assigned'] : array(); } else $current_ids = array(); $cap_name = ( defined( 'SCOPER_USER_ADMIN_CAP' ) ) ? constant( 'SCOPER_USER_ADMIN_CAP' ) : 'edit_users'; $admin_ids = $scoper->users_who_can( $cap_name, COL_ID_RS ); // optionally, limit available group managers according to role_admin_blogwide_editor_only option if ( 'manager' == $user_class ) { $require_blogwide_editor = false; if ( ! empty($group) ) { if ( ! strpos( $group->meta_id, '_nr_' ) ) { // don't limit manager selection for groups that don't have role assignments $require_blogwide_editor = scoper_get_option('role_admin_blogwide_editor_only'); } } if ( 'admin' == $require_blogwide_editor ) { $eligible_ids = $admin_ids; } elseif ( 'admin_content' == $require_blogwide_editor ) { $cap_name = ( defined( 'SCOPER_CONTENT_ADMIN_CAP' ) ) ? constant( 'SCOPER_CONTENT_ADMIN_CAP' ) : 'activate_plugins'; $eligible_ids = array_unique( array_merge( $admin_ids, $scoper->users_who_can( $cap_name, COL_ID_RS ) ) ); } elseif ( $require_blogwide_editor ) { $post_editors = $scoper->users_who_can('edit_others_posts', COL_ID_RS); $page_editors = $scoper->users_who_can('edit_others_pages', COL_ID_RS); $eligible_ids = array_unique( array_merge($post_editors, $page_editors, $admin_ids) ); } else $eligible_ids = ''; } else $eligible_ids = ''; } // endif user class is not "member" $css_id = $user_class; $args = array( 'eligible_ids' => $eligible_ids, 'via_other_scope_ids' => $admin_ids, 'suppress_extra_prefix' => true ); require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/agents_checklist_rs.php'); ScoperAgentsChecklist::agents_checklist( ROLE_BASIS_USER, $all_users, $css_id, $current_ids, $args); } /** * Writes the success/error messages * @param string $string - message to be displayed * @param boolean $success - boolean that defines if is a success(true) or error(false) message **/ function write($string, $success=true, $id="message"){ if($success){ echo '