Snort is an excellent Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) for various unices. The Snort homepage can be found at The version described here is 1.8.3 which was the actual version at the time of writing.
The statistic tools I will describe here are ACID, a database analysis tool for Snort which can be found at and SnortSnarf, a statistic tool for Snort logs downloadable from
Additional support packages are needed for ACID. These are a PHP4 capable webserver like apache (, PHPlot used for creating graphs in PHP ( and ADODB used for connecting to databases with PHP (
The description also includes which additional software is needed for ACID and how to configure along with some scripts I use including a changed version of the snortd initscript and a short chapter about swatch ( a log file watcher script written in perl. I created a swatch RPM which can be found at
One hint for those interested in maintaining more than one snort sensor: You might take a look at IDSPM (IDS Policy Manager) at which is an application to maintain various sensors with different policies along with merging capabilities for new rules and a lot more. The only "nasty" thing is that it runs on W2K/XP and is not (yet?) Open Source.
If you have any questions, please contact <linux-howto at>
The main site for this HOWTO is
Mirrors may be found at the Linux Documentation Project or Snort homepages.
The newest version of this HOWTO will always be made available on the main website, in a variety of formats:
Credits go to a variaty of people including
Martin Roesch <roesch at> Author of Snort
Roman Danyliw <roman at> Author of ACID
James Hoagland <hoagland at> Author of SnortSnarf
Stuart Staniford <stuart at> Author of SnortSnarf
Joe McAlerney <joey at> Author of SnortSnarf
John Lim <jlim at> Author of ADODB
Afan Ottenheimer <afan at> Author of PHPlot
Andreas �stling <andreaso at> Author of arachnids_upd
Max Vision <vision at> "Distributor" of vision.rules and maintainer of
Greg Sarsons <gsarsons at> for proof reading and suggestions
All the peaople on the snort-users mailinglist, they helped me and of course they will help YOU >;)
If I missed someone it was not because of not honoring her or his work!