
Bash-Release: 4.0
Patch-ID: bash40-001

Bug-Reported-by:	Mike Frysinger <>
Bug-Reference-ID:	<>


Bash has problems parsing certain constructs inside Posix-style $(...)
command substitutions, mostly with backslash-quoting and reserved word
recognition.    This is an issue because the contents are parsed at the
time the word containing the command substitution is read.


*** ../bash-4.0/parse.y	2009-01-08 08:29:12.000000000 -0500
--- parse.y	2009-03-06 20:32:35.000000000 -0500
*** 2928,2931 ****
--- 2932,2936 ----
  #define LEX_HEREDELIM	0x100		/* reading here-doc delimiter */
  #define LEX_STRIPDOC	0x200		/* <<- strip tabs from here doc delim */
+ #define LEX_INWORD	0x400
  #define COMSUB_META(ch)		((ch) == ';' || (ch) == '&' || (ch) == '|')
*** 3180,3184 ****
       int *lenp, flags;
!   int count, ch, peekc, tflags, lex_rwlen, lex_firstind;
    int nestlen, ttranslen, start_lineno;
    char *ret, *nestret, *ttrans, *heredelim;
--- 3188,3192 ----
       int *lenp, flags;
!   int count, ch, peekc, tflags, lex_rwlen, lex_wlen, lex_firstind;
    int nestlen, ttranslen, start_lineno;
    char *ret, *nestret, *ttrans, *heredelim;
*** 3201,3205 ****
    start_lineno = line_number;
!   lex_rwlen = 0;
    heredelim = 0;
--- 3209,3213 ----
    start_lineno = line_number;
!   lex_rwlen = lex_wlen = 0;
    heredelim = 0;
*** 3268,3271 ****
--- 3276,3319 ----
+       if (tflags & LEX_PASSNEXT)		/* last char was backslash */
+ 	{
+ /*itrace("parse_comsub:%d: lex_passnext -> 0 ch = `%c' (%d)", line_number, ch, __LINE__);*/
+ 	  tflags &= ~LEX_PASSNEXT;
+ 	  if (qc != '\'' && ch == '\n')	/* double-quoted \<newline> disappears. */
+ 	    {
+ 	      if (retind > 0)
+ 		retind--;	/* swallow previously-added backslash */
+ 	      continue;
+ 	    }
+ 	  RESIZE_MALLOCED_BUFFER (ret, retind, 2, retsize, 64);
+ 	  if MBTEST(ch == CTLESC || ch == CTLNUL)
+ 	    ret[retind++] = CTLESC;
+ 	  ret[retind++] = ch;
+ 	  continue;
+ 	}
+       /* If this is a shell break character, we are not in a word.  If not,
+ 	 we either start or continue a word. */
+       if MBTEST(shellbreak (ch))
+ 	{
+ 	  tflags &= ~LEX_INWORD;
+ /*itrace("parse_comsub:%d: lex_inword -> 0 ch = `%c' (%d)", line_number, ch, __LINE__);*/
+ 	}
+       else
+ 	{
+ 	  if (tflags & LEX_INWORD)
+ 	    {
+ 	      lex_wlen++;
+ /*itrace("parse_comsub:%d: lex_inword == 1 ch = `%c' lex_wlen = %d (%d)", line_number, ch, lex_wlen, __LINE__);*/
+ 	    }	      
+ 	  else
+ 	    {
+ /*itrace("parse_comsub:%d: lex_inword -> 1 ch = `%c' (%d)", line_number, ch, __LINE__);*/
+ 	      tflags |= LEX_INWORD;
+ 	      lex_wlen = 0;
+ 	    }
+ 	}
        /* Skip whitespace */
        if MBTEST(shellblank (ch) && lex_rwlen == 0)
*** 3400,3428 ****
! 	    ch = peekc;		/* fall through and continue XXX - this skips comments if peekc == '#' */
!       /* Not exactly right yet, should handle shell metacharacters, too.  If
! 	 any changes are made to this test, make analogous changes to subst.c:
! 	 extract_delimited_string(). */
!       else if MBTEST((tflags & LEX_CKCOMMENT) && (tflags & LEX_INCOMMENT) == 0 && ch == '#' && (retind == 0 || ret[retind-1] == '\n' || shellblank (ret[retind - 1])))
  	tflags |= LEX_INCOMMENT;
!       if (tflags & LEX_PASSNEXT)		/* last char was backslash */
! 	{
! 	  tflags &= ~LEX_PASSNEXT;
! 	  if (qc != '\'' && ch == '\n')	/* double-quoted \<newline> disappears. */
! 	    {
! 	      if (retind > 0)
! 		retind--;	/* swallow previously-added backslash */
! 	      continue;
! 	    }
! 	  RESIZE_MALLOCED_BUFFER (ret, retind, 2, retsize, 64);
! 	  if MBTEST(ch == CTLESC || ch == CTLNUL)
! 	    ret[retind++] = CTLESC;
! 	  ret[retind++] = ch;
! 	  continue;
! 	}
!       else if MBTEST(ch == CTLESC || ch == CTLNUL)	/* special shell escapes */
  	  RESIZE_MALLOCED_BUFFER (ret, retind, 2, retsize, 64);
--- 3442,3454 ----
! 	    ch = peekc;		/* fall through and continue XXX */
!       else if MBTEST((tflags & LEX_CKCOMMENT) && (tflags & LEX_INCOMMENT) == 0 && ch == '#' && (((tflags & LEX_RESWDOK) && lex_rwlen == 0) || ((tflags & LEX_INWORD) && lex_wlen == 0)))
! {
! /*itrace("parse_comsub:%d: lex_incomment -> 1 (%d)", line_number, __LINE__);*/
  	tflags |= LEX_INCOMMENT;
+ }
!       if MBTEST(ch == CTLESC || ch == CTLNUL)	/* special shell escapes */
  	  RESIZE_MALLOCED_BUFFER (ret, retind, 2, retsize, 64);
*** ../bash-4.0/patchlevel.h	2009-01-04 14:32:40.000000000 -0500
--- patchlevel.h	2009-02-22 16:11:31.000000000 -0500
*** 26,30 ****
     looks for to find the patch level (for the sccs version string). */
! #define PATCHLEVEL 0
  #endif /* _PATCHLEVEL_H_ */
--- 26,30 ----
     looks for to find the patch level (for the sccs version string). */
! #define PATCHLEVEL 1
  #endif /* _PATCHLEVEL_H_ */