NAME Kwiki::Toolbar::List - Creates an unordered list for the toolbar items in a Kwiki site. SYNOPSIS $ cpan Kwiki::Toolbar::List $ cd /path/to/kwiki $ echo "Kwiki::Toolbar::List" >> plugins $ kwiki -update DESCRIPTION Kwiki::Toolbar::List displays the toolbar items as a pipe delimited string which looks great but is difficult to apply a style sheet to. This module displays the toolbar as an unordered list that can be styled easily. It also provides more control from a template, so if you don't like an unordered list, you can simply change the HTML in the template instead of modifying a Perl module. This module should be used in place of Kwiki::Toolbar. Another module, Kwiki::Theme::TabNav provides an example of the styling that can be applied to the toolbar. AUTHOR Dave Mabe <> COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2004. Dave Mabe. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See