############################ The Platforms of Peril ############################ Platforms of Peril is a terminal-based game. Assuming App::cpanminus (and possibly also local::lib) is installed and setup, in a suitable terminal (possibly one with a square font such as White Rabbit and a black background) install and run the game via: cpanm Game::PlatformsOfPeril pperil There is some documentation about the game: perldoc Game::PlatformsOfPeril For the source code, see: https://thrig.me/src/Game-PlatformsOfPeril.git This can be built and installed (with dependencies) by running: git clone https://thrig.me/src/Game-PlatformsOfPeril.git cd Game-PlatformsOfPeril cpanm File::ShareDir::Install cpanm . or without dependencies the manual old fashioned way: perl Makefile.PL && make && make test && make install Level maps are ASCII files; these are installed to perl -MFile::ShareDir=:ALL -E 'say dist_dir q(Game-PlatformsOfPeril)' or can be found in the git repository. Run "perl pop" to test the game in this directory, or "perl pop 7" to try out level 7, etc. To author a new version: perl Makefile.PL && make && make test && make dist cpanm Game-PlatformsOfPeril... pperil # does it run once installed? git tag v... cpan-upload ... git push ... make realclean