#!/usr/bin/env perl # # Usage: perl README | w3m -T text/html # use lib 'lib'; use Markapl; sub readme { html { head { title { "Markapl - Markup as Perl" } } body { h2 { "DESCRIPTION" } p("#description") { "Markapl is the way to generate HTML with (augmented) Perl syntax. It's inspired by both Template::Declare and Markaby." } h2 { "INSTALLATION" } p { "To install this module, run the following commands:" }; pre { q{ perl Makefile.PL make make test make install} } h2 { "COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE" } p { "Copyright (C) 2008, Kang-min Liu" } p { outs "This is free software, licensed under: "; strong { "The MIT (X11) License" } } } } } print main->render("readme");