# DESCRIPTION A [Date::Holidays](https://metacpan.org/pod/Date%3A%3AHolidays) family member from the Netherlands # SYNOPSIS use Date::Holidays::NL; if (my $thing = is_holiday(2020, 5, 5, lang => 'en')) { print "It is $thing!", $/; # prints 'It is Liberation day!' } # METHODS This module implements the `is_holiday`, `is_holiday_dt` and `holiday` functions from [Date::Holidays::Abstract](https://metacpan.org/pod/Date%3A%3AHolidays%3A%3AAbstract). All methods accept additional parameters. The most important is a flag called `gov`, when supplied you will get days that the government considers special in regards to service terms. It essentially says that if a company or government needs to contact you before or on that day it can be expedited to the following work day. See the [relevant law](https://wetten.overheid.nl/BWBR0002448/2010-10-10) for more information. ## is\_holiday(yyyy, mm, dd, %additional) is_holiday( '2022', '05', '05', gov => 1, # Important for government institutions lang => 'en' # defaults to nl/nld, alternatively en/eng can be used. ); ## is\_holiday\_dt(dt, %additional) is_holiday_dt( DateTime->new( year => 2022, month => 5, day => 5, time_zone => 'Europe/Amsterdam', ), gov => 1, # Important for government institutions lang => 'en' # defaults to nl/nld, alternatively en/eng can be used. ); ## holidays(yyyy, gov => 1) holidays('2022', gov => 1); Similar API to the other functions, returns an hashref for the year. # SEE ALSO - [https://wetten.overheid.nl/BWBR0002448/2010-10-10](https://wetten.overheid.nl/BWBR0002448/2010-10-10)