Metabrik::Repository ==================== To know more: INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: Perl v5.6.1 Metabrik Config::Tiny Data::Dumper DateTime DateTime::Format::Mail DateTime::TimeZone DBD::SQLite DBI Email::Folder Email::Simple File::Find GnuPG::Interface Gzip::Faster HTTP::Proxy HTTP::Server::Brick IO::All IO::Handle IO::Scalar IO::Select IO::Socket::INET IO::Socket::INET6 IO::Socket::Multicast IO::Socket::SSL JSON::XS List::Util LWP::ConnCache LWP::Protocol::connect LWP::UserAgent MIME::Base64 NetAddr::IP Net::CIDR Net::Cmd Net::DNS::Nameserver::Trivial Net::DNS Net::Frame Net::Frame::Dump Net::Frame::Layer::ICMPv4 Net::Frame::Layer::ICMPv6 Net::Frame::Layer::IPv6 Net::Frame::Simple Net::FTP Net::IPv4Addr Net::IPv6Addr Net::Libdnet Net::NBName Net::Netmask Net::Pcap Net::Routing Net::Server Net::SinFP3 Net::SMTP NetSNMP::agent NetSNMP::ASN Net::SNMPTrapd Net::SSH2 Net::SSLeay Net::Whois::Raw Net::Write Net::Write::Fast POSIX Redis Search::Elasticsearch Storable String::Random Term::ANSIColor Term::ReadPassword Text::CSV URI URI::Escape vFeed WWW::Mechanize WWW::Mechanize::PhantomJS XML::Simple COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Patrice E<lt>GomoRE<gt> Auffret You may distribute this module under the terms of The BSD 3-Clause License. See LICENSE file in the source distribution archive.