NAME Math::BigInt::GMPz - a math backend library based on Math::GMPz SYNOPSIS # to use it with Math::BigInt use Math::BigInt lib => 'GMPz'; # to use it with Math::BigFloat use Math::BigFloat lib => 'GMPz'; # to use it with Math::BigRat use Math::BigRat lib => 'GMPz'; DESCRIPTION Math::BigInt::GMPz is a backend library for Math::BigInt, Math::BigFloat, Math::BigRat and related modules. It is not indended to be used directly. Math::BigInt::GMPz uses Math::GMPz objects for the calculations. Math::GMPz is an XS layer on top of the very fast gmplib library. See Math::BigInt::GMPz inherits from Math::BigInt::Lib. METHODS The following methods are implemented. _new() _zero() _one() _two() _ten() _from_bin() _from_oct() _from_hex() _from_bytes() _from_base() _1ex() _add() _mul() _div() _sub() _dec() _inc() _mod() _sqrt() _root() _fac() _dfac() _pow() _modinv() _modpow() _rsft() _lsft() _gcd() _lcm() _and() _or() _xor() _is_zero() _is_one() _is_two() _is_ten() _is_even() _is_odd() _acmp() _str() _as_bin() _as_oct() _as_hex() _to_bin() _to_oct() _to_hex() _to_bytes() _to_base() _num() _copy() _len() _zeros() _digit() _check() _nok() _fib() _lucas() _alen() _set() BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-math-bigint-gmpz at", or through the web interface at <> (requires login). We will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Math::BigInt::GMPz You can also look for information at: GitHub <> RT: CPAN's request tracker <> MetaCPAN <> CPAN Testers Matrix <> CPAN Ratings <> LICENSE This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. AUTHOR Peter John Acklam <> Math::GMPz was written by Sisyphus Sisyphus <sisyphus at(@) cpan dot (.) org> SEE ALSO End user libraries Math::BigInt, Math::BigFloat, Math::BigRat, as well as bigint, bigrat, and bignum. Other backend libraries, e.g., Math::BigInt::Calc, Math::BigInt::FastCalc, Math::BigInt::GMP, and Math::BigInt::Pari.