# Virani ## Installation & Setup Install various Perl requiremnets. This can be taken care of with command below. ```shell cpanm Virani ``` Configure it. For example on FreeBSD if you have daemonlogger set up something like below. ```shell daemonlogger_enable="YES" daemonlogger_flags="-f /usr/local/etc/daemonlogger.bpf -d -l /var/log/daemonlogger -t 120" ``` Then a basic config would be like below. ```toml default_set='default' allowed_subnets=["", ""] [sets.default] path='/var/log/daemonlogger' regex='(?<timestamp>\d\d\d\d\d\d+)(\.pcap|(?<subsec>\.\d+)\.pcap)$' strptime='%s' ``` For more information on the config file, see the POD for Virani. ## Usage A example grabbing port 53 traffic below can be done like the following. ```shell virani -s 2023-02-27T11:00:18 -e 2023-02-27T11:31:18 port 53 ``` The time may also be specified like below. ``` now current time now-30 30 seconds ago now-30m 30 minutes ago now-30h 30 hours ago now-30w 30 weeks ago ``` So if you wanted to find all port 53 traffic in the last minute, you could do somethiing like below. ```shell virani -s now-1m -e now port 53 ``` The help info for virani is as below. For more info check out the POD for the module Virani and the script Virani. ``` --help Print this. -h Print this. --version Print version. -v Print version.. -r <remote> Remote URL or config file for remote info. -a <apikey> API key for remote URL if needed. -f <filter> Filter for use with tshark or tcpdump. -t <type> tcpdump or tshark Default :: tcpdump -t <set> Set to use. If undef, uses whatever the default is. Default :: undef --config <config> Config file to use. Default :: /usr/local/etc/virani.toml -s <timestamp> Start timestamp. Any format supported by Time::Piece::Guess is usable. -e <timestamp> End timestamp. Any format supported by Time::Piece::Guess is usable. -w <output> The file to write the PCAP to. Default :: out.pcap --nc If cached, do not use it. -k Do not check the SSL cert for HTTPS for remote. ``` # LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This software is Copyright (c) 2023 by Zane C. Bowers-Hadley. This is free software, licensed under: The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999