NAME Err - Easily declare, throw and match exception objects SYNOPSIS use Err qw(declare_err throw_err is_err); ### create a bunch of exception classes ### # this makes Err::Exception::Starship, subclass of Err::Exception # (which itself is a subclass of Exception::Class::Basee) declare_err ".Starship" description => "The space ship is broken."; # this makes Err::Exception::Starship::WarpDrive # subclass of Err::Exception::Starship declare_err ".Starship.WarpDrive" description => "The warp drive is broken. We can't go FTL."; ### throw and catch errors ### use Try::Tiny; try { throw_err ".Starship.WarpDrive", "Have ejected warp core!" if $have_ejected_the_warp_core; go_to_warp_speed(); } catch { if (is_err ".Starship") { call_scotty(); return } die $_; } DESCRIPTION WARNING: This is an alpha release and the interface and functionailty may change without notice in future releases. A non-alpha 1.0 release will be released to the CPAN on or before August 1st, 2012. The module allows you to easily declare, throw and match exceptions. It's further syntatic sugar for Exception::Class. It doesn't provide a try/catch syntax but instead is designed to work well with plain old evals, Try::Tiny, TryCatch, etc. Functions These module exports functions on demand, or you can call them fully qualified. declare_err EXCEPTION_CODE, @optinal_args Easy declarative syntax for defining exception class. EXCEPTION_CODE must be a literal quoted string. See "Declaring Exceptions" below for more details. throw_err EXCEPTION_CODE, $message, @optional_args Throws the exception with the attached message. EXCEPTION_CODE must be a literal quoted string. See "Throwing Exceptions" below for more details. is_err EXCEPTION_CODE ex_is_err EXCEPTION_CODE Functions to examine $_ and $@ respectively for exception objects. EXCEPTION_CODE must be a literal quoted string. See "Matching Exceptions" below for more details. Understanding Exception Codes An exception code is a brief form of the exception classname. They're provided as a way to visually distinguish exception classes from your normal class hierarchy. The rules to compute a class name from an exception code are blindingly simple: Replace any leading dot with "Err::Exception::" Replace any other dot with "::" For example, the code ".Starship" refers to the "Err::Exception::Starship" class. The "Err::Exception::Aliens::Klingons" class has the code "Aliens.Klingons". The "Something.Else" code (no leading dot) refers to the "Something::Else". As a special case the code "" refers to anything that is a subclass of "Exception::Class::Base" itself, and "." refers to anything that is a subclass of "Err::Exception". If you don't like the exception code syntax you should note that under the above rules any valid class name will function as a valid exception code. (so for example the exception code "Foo::Bar" is the identical class name "Foo::Bar".) Declaring Exceptions Exceptions are declared with the "declare_err" syntax. In the simpliest form isa => $exception_code Explicitly set the superclass of the exception by passing in the exception code of the parent class. This isn't often needed, since by default "declare_err" will simply set the class to be the natural parent of the class (the class that's derived from removing the last ::Whatever from the classname or, if the exception's classname is singular, Err::Exception.) description => $description Set the description of this class to give a human readable description of this error that is applicable to all exceptions thrown of this class. anything_else => $some_value This becomes a new field in your exception object and provides a *default value* that "throw_err" will populate the exception with when exceptions are thrown. So, writing: declare_err ".Foo.Bar.Baz"; Is the same as writing use Exception::Class { "Err::Exception::Foo::Bar::Baz" => { isa => "Err::Exception::Foo::Bar", }, } And declare_err ".Foo.Bar.Buzz"; isa => ".Onomatopoeia", description => "*Bzzz* that's wrong", volume => 11; Is almost the same as writing use Exception::Class { "Err::Exception::Foo::Bar::Buzz" => { isa => "Err::Exception::Onomatopoeia", fields => ["volume"] }, } And then remembering always to do Err::Exception::Foo::Bar::Buzz->throw( volume => 11 ); When you throw it if you don't have an alternative volume to pass in. Throwing Exceptions Exceptions can be thrown with the "throw_err" keyword. This keyword takes the code for the exception followed by an error message as it's arguments, and essentially constructs a new instance of the exception and then throws it. In other words: throw_err ".Starship", "Self destruct sequence activated!"; Is the the same as: Err::Exception::Starship->throw( message => "Self destruct sequence activated " ); You can also pass other name value pairs after the message, that will be passed through to the throw_err ".Foo.Bar.Buzz", "Time's up", volume => 4; These will be passed to Exception::Class::Base's throw method, meaning the above is the same as: Err::Exception::Foo::Bar::Buzz->throw( message => "Time's up", volume => 4, ); Match Exceptions The "is_err" and "ex_is_err" can be used to check if $_ or $@ contain exceptions. With plain old eval: eval { throw ".Starship.Holodeck", "Morarity has become sentient!"; }; if (ex_is_err(".Starship.Holodeck")) { get_picard_to_reason_with_him(); } elsif ($@) { die } With Try::Tiny try { throw ".Starship.Holodeck", "Morarity has become sentient!"; } catch { if (is_err(".Starship.Holodeck")) { get_picard_to_reason_with_him(); return; } die $_; }; With TryCatch try { throw ".Starship.Holodeck", "Morarity has become sentient!"; } catch ($e where { is_err(".StarShip.Holodeck") }) { get_picard_to_reason_with_him(); } Enforced Declaring of Exceptions Before Use If you have the B::CallChecker module installed (and I highly recommend you do) this module will check at compile time that the exceptions you throw and match with "throw_err", "is_err" and "ex_is_err" have been declared first. If you have not declared your exception class in at the point in your code where it's used Perl will not compile your class. For those of you that are interested, this is achieved by hooking the CHECK routine for these functions (and, for that matter "declare_err" too) and interspecing the OP tree to extract the first argument to them so we can check if it's been declared first. But you don't need to know that to use this module - it's all magic. If you don't have B::CallChecker installed you lose this checking functionality but your exception classes will otherwise remain fully functional. AUTHOR Written by Mark Fowler <> COPYRIGHT Copyright OmniTI 2012. All Rights Rerserved. Copyright Mark Fowler 2012. All Rights Rerserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. BUGS None known. This module has a 100% test coverage (branch, statement and pod.) Bugs (or feature requests) should be reported via this distribution's CPAN RT queue. This can be found at <> You can also address issues by forking this distribution on github and sending pull requests. It can be found at <> SEE ALSO Exception::Class - syntax for declaring, throwing and matching Err::Exception objects. Try::Tiny - simple improved try/catch syntax with little dependancies TryCatch - powerful dependancy heavy improved try/catch syntax