# NAME Starch::Plugin::TimeoutStore - Throw an exception if store access surpasses a timeout. # SYNOPSIS my $starch = Starch->new( plugins => ['::TimeoutStore'], store => { class => '::Memory', timeout => 0.1, # 1/10th of a second }, ..., ); # DESCRIPTION This plugin causes all calls to `set`, `get`, and `remove` to throw an exception if they surpass a timeout period. The timeout is implemented using [Sys::SigAction](https://metacpan.org/pod/Sys::SigAction). Note that some stores implement timeouts themselves and their native may be better than this naive implementation. The whole point of detecting timeouts is so that you can still serve a web page even if the underlying store backend is failing, so using this plugin with [Starch::Plugin::LogStoreExceptions](https://metacpan.org/pod/Starch::Plugin::LogStoreExceptions) is probably a good idea. # OPTIONAL STORE ARGUMENTS These arguments are added to classes which consume the [Starch::Store](https://metacpan.org/pod/Starch::Store) role. ## timeout How many seconds to timeout. Fractional seconds may be passed, but may not be supported on all systems (see ["ABSTRACT" in Sys::SigAction](https://metacpan.org/pod/Sys::SigAction#ABSTRACT)). Set to `0` to disable timeout checking. Defaults to `0`. # AUTHORS Aran Clary Deltac <bluefeet@gmail.com> # ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to [ZipRecruiter](https://www.ziprecruiter.com/) for encouraging their employees to contribute back to the open source ecosystem. Without their dedication to quality software development this distribution would not exist. # LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.