NAME App::RabbitTail - Log tailer which broadcasts log lines into RabbitMQ exchanges. SYNOPSIS See the rabbit_tail script shipped with the distribution for simple CLI useage. use App::RabbitTail; use AnyEvent; # Not strictly needed, but you probably want to # use it yourself if you're doing this manually. my $tailer = App::RabbitTail->new( # At least 1 filename must be supplied filename => [qw/ file1 file2 /], # Optional args, defaults below routing_key => [qw/ # /], host => 'localhost', port => 5672, user => 'guest', pass => 'guest', vhost => '/', exchange_type => 'direct', exchange_name => 'logs', exchange_durable => 0, max_sleep => 10, ); # You can setup other AnyEvent io watchers etc here. $tailer->run; # enters the event loop # Or: $tailer->tail; DECRIPTION App::RabbitTail is a trivial file tail implementation using AnyEvent IO watchers, which emits lines from the tailed files into <> via the Net::RabbitFoot client. Note that this software should be considered experimental. BUGS Plenty. Along with error conditions not being handled gracefully etc. They will be fixed in due course as I start using this more seriously, however in the meantime, patches are welcome :) AUTHOR Tomas Doran (t0m) "<>" COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2010 Tomas Doran Licensed under the same terms as perl itself.