InfluxDB - Client library for InfluxDB


    To install this module, run the following commands:

        perl Build.PL
        ./Build test
        ./Build install


        The JSON write protocol is deprecated as of InfluxDB 0.9.1. It is
        still present but it will be removed when InfluxDB 1.0 is
        released. The line protocol is the primary write protocol for
        InfluxDB 0.9.1+.

    This InfluxDB module can handle only JSON protocol.

    If you want to use line protocol, please use InfluxDB::LineProtocol


        use InfluxDB;
        my $ix = InfluxDB->new(
            host     => '',
            port     => 8086,
            username => 'scott',
            password => 'tiger',
            database => 'test',
            # ssl => 1, # enable SSL/TLS access
            # timeout => 5, # set timeout to 5 seconds
            data => {
                name    => "cpu",
                columns => [qw(sys user idle)],
                points  => [
                    [20, 50, 30],
                    [30, 60, 10],
        ) or die "write_points: " . $ix->errstr;
        my $rs = $ix->query(
            q => 'select * from cpu',
            time_precision => 's',
        ) or die "query: " . $ix->errstr;
        # $rs is ArrayRef[HashRef]:
        # [
        #   {
        #     columns => ["time","sequence_number","idle","sys","user"],
        #     name => "cpu",
        #     points => [
        #       ["1391743908",6500001,10,30,60],
        #       ["1391743908",6490001,30,20,50],
        #     ],
        #   },
        # ]
        my $hrs = $ix->as_hash($rs); # or InfluxDB->as_hash($rs);
        # convert into HashRef for convenience
        # {
        #   cpu => [
        #     {
        #       idle   => 10,
        #       seqnum => 6500001,
        #       sys    => 30,
        #       time   => "1391743908",
        #       user   => 60
        #     },
        #     {
        #       idle   => 30,
        #       seqnum => 6490001,
        #       sys    => 20,
        #       time   => "1391743908",
        #       user   => 50
        #     }
        #   ]
        # }


    This module `InfluxDB` is a client library for InfluxDB


 Class Methods

  new(%args:Hash) :InfluxDB

    Creates and returns a new InfluxDB client instance. Dies on errors.

    %args is following:

    host => Str

    port => Int (default: 8086)

    username => Str

    password => Str

    database => Str

    ssl => Bool (optional)

    timeout => Int (default: 120)

    debug => Bool (optional)

 Instance Methods

  write_points(%args:Hash) :Bool

    Write to multiple time series names.

    data => ArrayRef[HashRef] | HashRef

      HashRef like following:

              name    => "name_of_series",
              columns => ["col1", "col2", ...],
              points  => [
                  [10.0, 20.0, ...],
                  [10.9, 21.3, ...],

      The time and any other data fields which should be graphable must be
      numbers, not text. See "simple scalars" in JSON.

    time_precision => "s" | "m" | "u" (optional)

      The precision timestamps should come back in. Valid options are s for
      seconds, m for milliseconds, and u for microseconds.

  delete_points(name => Str) :Bool

    Delete ALL DATA from series specified by name

  query(%args:Hash) :ArrayRef

    q => Str

      The InfluxDB query language, see:

    time_precision => "s" | "m" | "u" (optional)

      The precision timestamps should come back in. Valid options are s for
      seconds, m for milliseconds, and u for microseconds.

    chunked => Bool (default: 0)

      Chunked response.

  as_hash($result:ArrayRef[HashRef]) :HashRef

    Utility instance/class method for handling result of query.

    Takes result of query()(ArrayRef) and convert into following HashRef.

          cpu => [
              idle => 10,
              seqnum => 6500001,
              sys => 30,
              time => "1391743908",
              user => 60
              idle => 30,
              seqnum => 6490001,
              sys => 20,
              time => "1391743908",
              user => 50

  create_continuous_query(q => Str, name => Str) :ArrayRef

    Create continuous query.

            q    => "select mean(sys) as sys, mean(usr) as usr from cpu group by time(15m)",
            name => "cpu.15m",

  list_continuous_queries() :ArrayRef

    List continuous queries.

  drop_continuous_query(id => Str) :ArrayRef

    Delete continuous query that has specified id.

    You can get id of continuous query by list_continuous_queries().

  switch_database(database => Str) :Bool

    Switch to another database.

  switch_user(username => Str, password => Str) :Bool

    Change your user-context.

  create_database(database => Str) :Bool

    Create database. Requires cluster-admin privileges.

  list_database() :ArrayRef[HashRef]

    List database. Requires cluster-admin privileges.

            name => "databasename",
            replicationFactor => 1

  delete_database(database => Str) :Bool

    Delete database. Requires cluster-admin privileges.

  list_series() :ArrayRef[HashRef]

    List series in current database

  create_database_user(name => Str, password => Str) :Bool

    Create a database user on current database.

  delete_database_user(name => Str) :Bool

    Delete a database user on current database.

  update_database_user(name => Str [,password => Str] [,admin => Bool])

    Update a database user on current database.

  list_database_users() :ArrayRef

    List all database users on current database.

  show_database_user(name => Str) :HashRef

    Show a database user on current database.

  create_cluster_admin(name => Str, password => Str) :Bool

    Create a database user on current database.

  delete_cluster_admin(name => Str) :Bool

    Delete a database user on current database.

  update_cluster_admin(name => Str, password => Str) :Bool

    Update a database user on current database.

  list_cluster_admins() :ArrayRef

    List all database users on current database.

  show_cluster_admin(name => Str) :HashRef

    Show a database user on current database.

  status() :HashRef

    Returns status of previous request, as following hash:

    code => Int

      HTTP status code.

    message => Str

      HTTP status message.

    status_line => Str

      HTTP status line (code . " " . message).

    content => Str

      Response body.

  errstr() :Str

    Returns error message if previous query was failed.

  host() :Str

    Returns hostname of InfluxDB server.

  port() :Str

    Returns port number of InfluxDB server.

  username() :Str

    Returns current user name.

  database() :Str

    Returns current database name.



      Print debug messages to STDERR.


    HIROSE Masaaki <>


        git clone

    patches and collaborators are welcome.



    Copyright HIROSE Masaaki


    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.