NAME App::DualLivedDiff - Diff between the perl core and dual-lived modules' CPAN distributions SYNOPSIS Example: Filter::Simple. Given a simple YAML file .dualLivedDiffConfig in the current working directory or the Filter::Simple CPAN distribution: --- exclude-regexes: - ^(?:\./)?MANIFEST$ - ^(?:\./)?META.yml$ files: lib/Filter/ lib/Filter/ Changes: lib/Filter/Simple/Changes dirs-flat: t/: lib/Filter/Simple/t/ dirs-recursive: t/lib/Filter/Simple/: t/lib/Filter/Simple/ By running the following command, you can get the diff between your blead perl checkout and the CPAN distribution: dualLivedDiff --dual --blead $HOME/perl-ssh Or this if you have configured: dualLivedDiff --dual SMUELLER/Filter-Simple-0.84.tar.gz --blead $HOME/perl-ssh Or this if you want to search for a given module name: dualLivedDiff --dual Filter::Simple --blead $HOME/perl-ssh You can use the "base-path-in-blead" option in the YAML config file to set a base path within the blead-perl checkout. Example of the configuration for the Attribute::Handlers dual-lived module/distribution which lives entirely within ext/Attribute-Handlers: --- base-path-in-blead: ext/Attribute-Handlers files: Changes: Changes README: README dirs-recursive: lib/: lib/ t/: t/ demo/: demo/ Run the "dualLivedDiff" program to get an overview of the command line options. DESCRIPTION Very early version of a tool to automatically generate diffs/patches between CPAN distributions of dual lived Perl modules and the perl core. The code isn't beautiful. It's a hack. AUTHOR Steffen Mueller, <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2009 by Steffen Mueller This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.