Number::Spice groups functions for converting plain decimal numbers to/from the shortened Spice syntax, i.e. a decimal number followed by a literal suffix representing some unit. Number::Spice was written to support the number format used in the syntax for netlists for the spice electrical circuit simulator. This number format is also used in other applications, even in different fields. Number::Spice can be used to any purpose, and does not require the installation of the spice simulator. Spice syntax provides a shortcut for writing down numbers in scientific notation, by appending a suffix to the value which corresponds to a numeric multiplier. The following table lists the minimal suffices and the corresponding multiplier: T 1.0E12 G 1.0E9 MEG 1.0E6 X 1.0E6 K 1.0E3 M 1.0E-3 MIL 2.54E-5 (i.e. 1/1000 inch) U 1.0E-6 N 1.0E-9 P 1.0E-12 F 1.0E-15 A 1.0E-18 REQUIREMENTS perl 5.004_04 or greater is needed AVAILABILITY The latest version of this package is available for download from a CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) site near you at or from my FTP site: INSTALLATION You would install Number::Spice like you would install any other module, by running these commands perl Makefile.PL make make test make install AUTHOR Wim Verhaegen COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2000 Wim Verhaegen. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.