use strict; use warnings; # Copyright (C) 2016, John Ulvr # Credits also go to Joel Peshkin who helped write the code require 5.10.0; use version; our $VERSION = version->declare("v0.1.2"); package BRCM::UnifdefPlus; use Storable qw(dclone); my $showErrs=1; use Text::Balanced qw ( extract_delimited extract_bracketed extract_quotelike extract_codeblock extract_variable extract_tagged extract_multiple gen_delimited_pat gen_extract_tagged ); #use unique names (TRUE and FALSE can cause the code to change...) # terminology: # simplified means that a constant expression was resolved (no macros) # resolved means that an expression containing at least one known macro, and # no unknown macros was resolved. # rss is resoved/simplified state my $RESOLVED_PREFIX = "__unifdef_resolved_"; my $SIMPLIFIED_PREFIX = "__unifdef_simplified_"; my $TRUE_RESOLVED = $RESOLVED_PREFIX."1"; my $FALSE_RESOLVED = $RESOLVED_PREFIX."0"; my $TRUE_SIMPLIFIED = $SIMPLIFIED_PREFIX."1"; my $FALSE_SIMPLIFIED = $SIMPLIFIED_PREFIX."0"; my $Y = qw(__unkconfig_y__); my $M = qw(__unkconfig_m__); my $N = qw(__unkconfig_n__); my $COMMENT = qr/^\s*#.*$/; my $BLANK_LINE = qr/^\s*$/; my $BRACE_MATCH; $BRACE_MATCH = qr/ (?: \w++ | \s++ | [\|&!=\"\\]++ | \((??{$BRACE_MATCH})\))* /x; #RSS refers to resolve-simplify state use constant RSS_UNCHANGED => 0; # no macro expansion or expression simplification use constant RSS_SIMPLIFIED => 1; # result is a simplified expression (no macros involved) use constant RSS_RESOLVED => 2; # result is a resolved expression (at least one macro # resolved, and surrounding expressions simplified) my %rss_strings = ( RSS_UNCHANGED => "UNCHANGED", RSS_SIMPLIFIED => "SIMPLIFIED", RSS_RESOLVED => "RESOLVED", ); my $RESOLVED_PREFIX_PTRN = qr/$RESOLVED_PREFIX/; my $TRUE_RESOLVED_PTRN = qr/\b(?:$RESOLVED_PREFIX)[1-9][0-9]*\b/; my $FALSE_RESOLVED_PTRN = qr/\b(?:$RESOLVED_PREFIX)0\b/; my $TRUE_SIMPLIFIED_PTRN = qr/\b(?:$SIMPLIFIED_PREFIX)[0-9][1-9]*\b/; my $FALSE_SIMPLIFIED_PTRN = qr/\b(?:$SIMPLIFIED_PREFIX)0\b/; my $TRUE_PTRN = qr/(?:\b(?:$SIMPLIFIED_PREFIX|$RESOLVED_PREFIX|)[1-9][0-9]*|0x[1-9][0-9]*|TRUE)\b/; my $FALSE_PTRN = qr/(?:\b(?:$SIMPLIFIED_PREFIX|$RESOLVED_PREFIX|)0|0x0|NULL|FALSE)\b/; sub getValue($) { my $string = shift; return $1 if ($string =~ /^(?:$RESOLVED_PREFIX|$SIMPLIFIED_PREFIX)(\d+)$/); return $string if ($string =~ /^([1-9][0-9]*)$/); return $string if ($string =~ /^0$/); return hex $string if ($string =~ /^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/); return oct $string if ($string =~ /^0[0-9]*$/); return 1 if ($string eq "TRUE"); return 0 if ($string eq "FALSE"); return "unknown"; } sub isNumber_($) { my $string = shift; return getValue($string) ne "unknown"; } sub trim($) { my $string = shift; $string =~ s/^\s+//; $string =~ s/\s+$//; return $string; } sub trimWs($) { my $string = shift; #my ($ws1, $ws2); $string =~ /^(\s*)(\S*(?:\s+\S+)*)(\s*)$/; return ($1,$2,$3); } #from: sub max { my ($m, @vars) = @_; for (@vars) { $m = $_ if $_ > $m; } return $m; } sub min { my ($m, @vars) = @_; for (@vars) { $m = $_ if $_ < $m; } return $m; } sub shouldPrint { my $self = shift; my $keep = shift; return 1 if $keep == 1; return 1 if $keep == 2 && $self->{simplifiedonly} == 0; return 0 } # Note: taken from # my %opPrecidences = ( '!' => 3, '==' => 9, '!=' => 9, '&&' => 13, '||' => 14, "<" => 8, ">" => 8, ">=" => 8, "<=" => 8, "+" => 6, "-" => 6, "*" => 5, "/" => 5, "%" => 5, "&" => 10, "^" => 11, "," => 17, #used for function-like macro parameter lists ); my $MAX_OP_PREC = 30; my $CWS = qr{(?:(?:\s)|(?://.*$)|(?:\/\*.*?\*\/))*}s; my $EXPR = { 'C' => { IF => qr/^((?:$CWS)#(?:$CWS)if\s+)(.*?)\s*$/s, ELSEIF => qr/^((?:$CWS)#(?:$CWS)elif\s+)(.*?)\s*$/s, ELSE => qr/^((?:$CWS)#(?:$CWS)else\s*)(.*?)\s*$/s, ENDIF => qr/^((?:$CWS)#(?:$CWS)endif\s*)(.*?)\s*$/s, IFDEF => qr/^((?:$CWS)#(?:$CWS)ifdef\s+)(.*?)\s*$/s, IFNDEF => qr/^((?:$CWS)#(?:$CWS)ifndef\s+)(.*?)\s*$/s, START_ML_COMMENT => qr{^((("(\\\\.|[^"\\\\])*")|(\\\'(\\\\.|[^\\\\])*\\\')|[^\'"/])*/\*)(\**[^\*/]|[^\*])*$}s, END_ML_COMMENT => qr{\*/(\**[^\*/]|[^\*])*$}s, LIT_IF => "#if ", LIT_ELSE => "#else ", LIT_ELSEIF => "#elif ", LIT_ENDIF => "#endif ", WHITESPACE => $CWS, }, 'Makefile' => { IF => qr/^(\s*ifdef\s+BCM_KF\s*#\s*)(.*?)\s*$/s, ELSEIF => qr/^___NOT_MATCHABLE_STRING___$/s, ELSE => qr/^(\s*else\s*#\s*BCM_KF\s*)(.*?)\s*$/s, ENDIF => qr/^(\s*endif\s*#\s*BCM_KF\s*)(.*?)\s*$/s, IFDEF => qr/^___NOT_MATCHABLE_STRING___$/s, IFNDEF => qr/^___NOT_MATCHABLE_STRING___$/s, START_ML_COMMENT => qr/^___NOT_MATCHABLE_STRING___$/s, END_ML_COMMENT => qr/^___NOT_MATCHABLE_STRING___$/s, LIT_IF => "ifdef BCM_KF # ", LIT_ELSE => "else # BCM_KF ", LIT_ENDIF => "endif # BCM_KF", WHITESPACE => qr{(?:(?:\s)|(?:\#.*$))*}s, }, 'Kconfig' => { } }; my $OUTFILE; my $DBGOUT; *DBGOUT = *STDOUT; # the following is a whitespace character sequence used to replace a \ # line ending. # This should not cotnain a newline as it breaks the script in several places my $LINE_CONT = "\t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t"; sub new { my $class = shift; my %opts = @_; my $self = {}; $self->{lang} = $opts{lang} || 'C'; $self->{dbg} = $opts{dbg}; $self->{defines} = dclone( $opts{defines} ); $self->{undefines} = dclone( $opts{undefines} ); $self->{simplifiedonly} = $opts{simplifiedonly} || 0; $self->{error} = ''; bless( $self, $class ); return $self; } sub parse { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; my $INFILE = $opts{INFILE}; $OUTFILE = $opts{OUTFILE}; my @inlines = <$INFILE>; $self->{inlines} = \@inlines; $self->{wasModified} = 0; $self->{lang} = $opts{lang} || $self->{lang}; $self->{infile} = $INFILE; $self->{dbg} = $opts{dbg}; if ($self->{lang} eq 'Kconfig') { my @undefineKeys = keys( %{ $self->{undefines} } ); my @defineKeys = keys( %{ $self->{defines} } ); $self->{kDefines} = {}; foreach (@undefineKeys) { my $modKey = $_; $modKey =~ s/^CONFIG_//; $self->{kDefines}{$modKey} = $N; } foreach (@defineKeys) { my $modKey = $_; $modKey =~ s/^CONFIG_//; $self->{kDefines}{$modKey} = $Y if ($self->{defines}{$_} eq "y"); $self->{kDefines}{$modKey} = $M if ($self->{defines}{$_} eq "m"); $self->{kDefines}{$modKey} = $N if ($self->{defines}{$_} eq "n"); } while(1) { my @outEntry = (); my $isVisible = $self->kconfigReadNextEntry(\@outEntry); if ($isVisible == 2) { $self->{error} = "Unexpected end condition at line $.. Aborting"; print STDERR "".$self->{error}."\n" if($showErrs); return; } if ($isVisible) { print $OUTFILE @outEntry; } else { $self->{wasModified} = 1; } last if (scalar(@{$self->{inlines}}) <= 0); } } else { if ( ! defined($EXPR->{$self->{lang}} )) { $self->{error} = "Error: unknown language $self->{lang}.\n"; print STDERR "".$self->{error}."\n" if($showErrs); return; } my ( $closingExpr, $closingArg ) = $self->parseLines(2); if ($closingExpr) { $self->{error} = "Error: unexpected $closingExpr $closingArg at line $.. Aborting"; print STDERR "".$self->{error}."\n" if($showErrs); return; } } return 2 if($self->{error}); return ( $self->{wasModified} ); } sub parseCondition { my $self = shift; my $lang = $self->{lang}; my $WS = $EXPR->{$lang}->{WHITESPACE}; # replace known variables my $condition = shift; my $origCondition = $condition; my @defineKeys = keys( %{ $self->{defines} } ); foreach (@defineKeys) { my $defineKey = $_; $condition =~ s/\bdefined\s*\(\s*$defineKey\s*\)/$TRUE_RESOLVED/g; $condition =~ s/\bdefined\s+$defineKey\b/$TRUE_RESOLVED/g; $condition =~ s/\b$defineKey\b/$RESOLVED_PREFIX$self->{defines}{$defineKey}/g; } my @undefineKeys = keys( %{ $self->{undefines} } ); foreach (@undefineKeys) { my $undefineKey = $_; $condition =~ s/\bdefined\s*\(\s*$undefineKey\s*\)/$FALSE_RESOLVED/g; $condition =~ s/\bdefined\s+$undefineKey\b/$FALSE_RESOLVED/g; } if ( $condition eq $origCondition ) { print DBGOUT "Not simplifying $condition\n" if ($self->{dbg}); return ($condition, 0); } print DBGOUT "simplifying $condition\n" if ($self->{dbg}); my $remainder; ( $condition, $remainder ) = $self->simplifyExpr( $condition, $MAX_OP_PREC, 0 ); if ( !$condition ) { print STDERR "Could not parse condition: $condition\n"; return ($origCondition, 0); } else { $self->{wasModified} = 1; return ($condition . $remainder, 1); } } sub parseFuncMacro { my $self = shift; my $expr = shift; my $lang = $self->{lang}; my $WS = $EXPR->{$lang}->{WHITESPACE}; if ($expr =~ /^($WS)(\w+)(\s*)(\(.*)$/) { my $ws_bm = $1; my $macroName = $2; my $ws_am = $3; my $rest = $4; my ($params, $remainder) = extract_bracketed( $rest, "()" ) or return; $params =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/s; return ($ws_bm, $macroName, $ws_am, $params, $remainder); } return; } sub simplifyExpr { my $self = shift; my $string1 = shift; my $currentOpPrec = shift; my $level = shift; my $lang = $self->{lang}; $level += 1; my $i = 0; my $dbgStr = "<".sprintf("%2d",$currentOpPrec).">"; while ( $i < $level ) { $dbgStr .= " "; $i++; } my $WS = $EXPR->{$lang}->{WHITESPACE}; my $remainder; my $operand1; my $operator; my $operand2; my $operand1_ns; #operand1 , not-simplified. my $operand2_ns; my $ws_bo1; #whitespace before operand1 my $ws_ao1; #whitespace after operand1 my $ws_bo2; #whitespace before operand2 my $ws_ao2; #whitespace after operand2 my $rss_o1 = RSS_UNCHANGED; my $rss_o2 = RSS_UNCHANGED; print DBGOUT "\n$dbgStr Simplifying expression .$string1. ($currentOpPrec) (level=$level)\n" if $self->{dbg}; #read first operand: #test for brackets: if ( $string1 =~ /^($WS)\((.*)$/s ) { my $braceExpr; my $remainder2; my $remainder3; my $ws_bm; #whitespace before macro my $ws_am; #whitespace after macro my $macro; my $params; my $ws_bb = $1; #whitespace before brackets my $ws_ib; #whitespace inside of brackets (front) my $rsstate; #get expression within braces ( $braceExpr, $remainder ) = extract_bracketed( $string1, "()" ); $braceExpr =~ s/^\(($WS)(.*)\)$/$2/s; $ws_ib = $1; $rss_o1 = RSS_UNCHANGED; print DBGOUT "$dbgStr braceExpr=.$braceExpr.\n" if $self->{dbg}; #simplify expression within braces ( $braceExpr, $remainder2, $rsstate, $operand1_ns ) = $self->simplifyExpr( $braceExpr, $MAX_OP_PREC, $level ); print DBGOUT "$dbgStr WARNING: raminder2 not null ($remainder2)\n" if ($remainder2!~/^\s*$/); print DBGOUT "$dbgStr ns1=\"$operand1_ns\"\n" if $self->{dbg}; $operand1_ns = "(".$ws_ib.$operand1_ns.$remainder2.")"; print DBGOUT "$dbgStr ... ns1=\"$operand1_ns\"\n" if $self->{dbg}; if ( $braceExpr =~ /^($WS)((?:\w+)|(?:defined\s+\w+))($WS)$/s ) { print DBGOUT "$dbgStr Removing braces on simple term\n" if $self->{dbg}; $operand1 = $2; $ws_bo1 = $ws_bb; $ws_ao1 = $3.$remainder2; $rss_o1 = max(RSS_SIMPLIFIED,$rsstate); } else { print DBGOUT "$dbgStr Not removing braces\n" if $self->{dbg}; $operand1 = "($braceExpr$remainder2)"; $ws_bo1 = $ws_bb; $ws_ao1 = ""; $rss_o1 = $rsstate; } } #test for not operator: elsif ( $string1 =~ /^($WS)!($WS)(.*)$/s ) { $ws_bo1 = $1; my $ws_an = $2; #whitespace after not my $notOperand; my $notOperand_rss; my $notOperand_ns; ( $notOperand, $remainder, $notOperand_rss, $notOperand_ns ) = $self->simplifyExpr( $3, $opPrecidences{"!"} + 1, $level ) or return; $ws_ao1 = ""; $operand1_ns = "!".$ws_an.$notOperand_ns; if ( $notOperand =~ /^($WS)($FALSE_RESOLVED_PTRN)($WS)$/s ) { $operand1 = "$TRUE_RESOLVED"; $rss_o1 = RSS_RESOLVED; } elsif ( $notOperand =~ /^($WS)($TRUE_RESOLVED_PTRN)($WS)$/s ) { $operand1 = "$FALSE_RESOLVED"; $rss_o1 = RSS_RESOLVED; } elsif ( $notOperand =~ /^($WS)($FALSE_PTRN)($WS)$/s ) { $operand1 = "$TRUE_SIMPLIFIED"; $rss_o1 = max(RSS_SIMPLIFIED, $notOperand_rss); } elsif ( $notOperand =~ /^($WS)($TRUE_PTRN)($WS)$/s ) { $operand1 = "$FALSE_SIMPLIFIED"; $rss_o1 = max(RSS_SIMPLIFIED, $notOperand_rss); } else { $operand1 = "!" . $ws_an . $notOperand; $rss_o1 = $notOperand_rss; } } # test for function-like macro: elsif ( my ($ws_bm, $macro, $ws_am, $params, $remainder2) = $self->parseFuncMacro($string1)) { #simplify expression within braces print DBGOUT "$dbgStr ... macro: .$macro.$params.\n" if $self->{dbg}; my ( $sparams, $remainder3, $sparams_rss, $sparams_ns ); if ( $params =~ /^($WS)$/ ) { $sparams_ns = $params; $sparams = $params; $remainder3 = ""; $sparams_rss = RSS_UNCHANGED; } else { ( $sparams, $remainder3, $sparams_rss, $sparams_ns ) = $self->simplifyExpr( $params, $MAX_OP_PREC, $level ) or return; } $operand1_ns = $macro.$ws_am."(".$sparams_ns.$remainder3.")"; $operand1 = $macro.$ws_am."(".$sparams.$remainder3.")"; $ws_bo1 = $ws_bm; $remainder = $remainder2; $rss_o1 = $sparams_rss; } # get next single term: elsif ( $string1 =~ /^($WS)(\w+)\b(.*)/s ) { $ws_bo1 = $1; $operand1 = $2; $remainder = $3; my $braceExpr = ""; $operand1_ns = $operand1; if ($operand1 =~ /$RESOLVED_PREFIX_PTRN/) { $rss_o1 = RSS_RESOLVED; } else { $rss_o1 = RSS_UNCHANGED; } if (($operand1 eq "defined") && ($remainder =~ /((?:$WS)\w+)\b(.*)$/) ) { $operand1 .= $1; $operand1_ns = $operand1; $remainder = $2; #don't need to worry about resolving here, as resolving all known #"defined XXX" terms has already been done. } } else { print DBGOUT "$dbgStr NO MTACH\n" if $self->{dbg}; } while ( !( $remainder =~ /^($WS)$/s ) ) { #TBD: base operator regex on operators hash... if ( $remainder =~ /^($WS)([\!\|\>\<\=&\*\+\-\/\%\^\&\,]+)($WS)(.*)$/s ) { #my $allops=join('|',quotemeta keys %opPrecidences) #if ( $remainder =~ /^($WS)($allops)($WS)(.*)$/s ) { $ws_ao1 = $1; $operator = $2; $ws_bo2 = $3; my $remainder2 = $4; if ( exists $opPrecidences{$operator} ) { if ( $opPrecidences{$operator} < $currentOpPrec ) { ( $operand2, $remainder, $rss_o2, $operand2_ns ) = $self->simplifyExpr( $remainder2, $opPrecidences{$operator}, $level ) or return; $ws_ao2 = ""; # whitespace will belong before next operand. # Note, the followin scheme can probably be written a bit neater, but I'm new to perl... # simplifying: print DBGOUT "$dbgStr $operand1.$ws_ao1.$operator.$ws_bo2.$operand2 ==> \n" if $self->{dbg}; if ( ( $operator eq "&&" ) && ( ( $operand1 =~ /^($WS)$FALSE_RESOLVED_PTRN($WS)$/s ) || ( $operand2 =~ /^($WS)$FALSE_RESOLVED_PTRN($WS)$/s ) ) ) { $operand1 = "$FALSE_RESOLVED"; $rss_o1 = RSS_RESOLVED; $operand1_ns = $operand1; $ws_bo1 = $ws_bo1; $ws_ao1 = $ws_ao2; } elsif ( ( $operator eq "||" ) && ( ( $operand1 =~ /^($WS)$TRUE_RESOLVED_PTRN($WS)$/s ) || ( $operand2 =~ /^($WS)$TRUE_RESOLVED_PTRN($WS)$/s ) ) ) { print DBGOUT "$dbgStr ... got here1\n" if $self->{dbg}; $operand1 = "$TRUE_RESOLVED"; $rss_o1 = RSS_RESOLVED; $operand1_ns = $operand1; $ws_bo1 = $ws_bo1; $ws_ao1 = $ws_ao2; } elsif ( $operator eq "," ) { #ensure we don't try to simplify , operators $operand1 = $operand1.$ws_ao1.$operator.$ws_bo2.$operand2; $rss_o1 = max($rss_o1, $rss_o2, RSS_SIMPLIFIED); $operand1_ns = $operand1_ns.$ws_ao1.$operator.$ws_bo2.$operand2_ns; $ws_bo1 = $ws_bo1; $ws_ao1 = $ws_ao1; } elsif ( isNumber_($operand1) && isNumber_($operand2) ) { # note: this has an effect of simplifying constant expressions my $newVal; my $evalErr; my $expression = getValue($operand1)." ".$operator." ".getValue($operand2); $newVal = eval "$expression" || 0; print DBGOUT "$dbgStr eval:\"$expression\" ==> \"$newVal\"\n" if $self->{dbg}; $evalErr = $@; if ( ! $evalErr ) { $rss_o1 = max($rss_o1, $rss_o2, RSS_SIMPLIFIED); $operand1 = ($rss_o1==RSS_SIMPLIFIED?$SIMPLIFIED_PREFIX:$RESOLVED_PREFIX).$newVal; } else { print DBGOUT "$dbgStr evalErr -- reverting\n" if $self->{dbg}; $operand1 = $operand1 . $ws_ao1 . $operator . $ws_bo2 . $operand2; $rss_o1 = max($rss_o1, $rss_o2); } $operand1_ns = ($rss_o1 == RSS_RESOLVED) ? $operand1 : $operand1_ns.$ws_ao1.$operator.$ws_bo2.$operand2_ns; $ws_bo1 = $ws_bo1; $ws_ao1 = $ws_ao2; } # after this point we know that at least one side is not completely simplified: elsif ( ( $operator eq "&&" ) && ( ( $operand1 =~ /^($WS)$FALSE_SIMPLIFIED_PTRN($WS)$/s ) || ( $operand2 =~ /^($WS)$FALSE_SIMPLIFIED_PTRN($WS)$/s ) ) ) { #$operand1_ns = $operand1_ns; $operand1 = "$FALSE_SIMPLIFIED"; $rss_o1 = RSS_SIMPLIFIED; $operand1_ns = $ws_bo1.$operand1_ns.$ws_ao1.$operator.$ws_bo2.$operand2_ns.$ws_ao2; $ws_bo1 = $ws_bo1; $ws_ao1 = $ws_ao2; } elsif (( $operator eq "&&" ) && ( $operand1 =~ /^($WS)$TRUE_PTRN($WS)$/s ) ) { $operand1 = $operand2; $rss_o1 = max($rss_o1, $rss_o2, RSS_SIMPLIFIED); $operand1_ns = ($rss_o1==RSS_RESOLVED)? $operand1 : $ws_bo1.$operand1_ns.$ws_ao1.$operator.$ws_bo2.$operand2_ns.$ws_ao2; $ws_bo1 = $ws_bo2; $ws_ao1 = $ws_ao2; } elsif (( $operator eq "&&" ) && ( $operand2 =~ /^($WS)$TRUE_PTRN($WS)$/s ) ) { $operand1 = $operand1; $rss_o1 = max($rss_o1, $rss_o2, RSS_SIMPLIFIED); $operand1_ns = ($rss_o1==RSS_RESOLVED)? $operand1 : $ws_bo1.$operand1_ns.$ws_ao1.$operator.$ws_bo2.$operand2_ns.$ws_ao2; $ws_bo1 = $ws_bo1; $ws_ao1 = $ws_ao1; } elsif ( ( $operator eq "||" ) && ( ( $operand1 =~ /^($WS)$TRUE_SIMPLIFIED_PTRN($WS)$/s ) || ( $operand2 =~ /^($WS)$TRUE_SIMPLIFIED_PTRN($WS)$/s ) ) ) { $operand1 = "$TRUE_SIMPLIFIED"; $rss_o1 = max($rss_o1, $rss_o2, RSS_SIMPLIFIED); $operand1_ns = $ws_bo1.$operand1_ns.$ws_ao1.$operator.$ws_bo2.$operand2_ns.$ws_ao2; $ws_bo1 = $ws_bo1; $ws_ao1 = $ws_ao2; } elsif (( $operator eq "||" ) && ( $operand1 =~ /^($WS)$FALSE_PTRN($WS)$/s ) ) { $operand1 = $operand2; $rss_o1 = max($rss_o1, $rss_o2, RSS_SIMPLIFIED); $operand1_ns = ($rss_o1 == RSS_RESOLVED) ? $operand1 : $ws_bo1.$operand1_ns.$ws_ao1.$operator.$ws_bo2.$operand2_ns.$ws_ao2; $ws_bo1 = $ws_bo2; $ws_ao1 = $ws_ao2; } elsif (( $operator eq "||" ) && ( $operand2 =~ /^($WS)$FALSE_PTRN($WS)$/s ) ) { $operand1 = $operand1; $rss_o1 = max($rss_o1, $rss_o2, RSS_SIMPLIFIED); $operand1_ns = ($rss_o1 == RSS_RESOLVED) ? $operand1 : $operand1_ns.$ws_ao1.$operator.$ws_bo2.$operand2_ns; $ws_bo1 = $ws_bo1; $ws_ao1 = $ws_ao1; } elsif ( ($operator eq "==") && ($operand1 eq $operand2) ) { $operand1_ns = $operand1.$ws_ao1.$operator.$ws_bo2.$operand2; $rss_o1 = max($rss_o1, $rss_o2, RSS_SIMPLIFIED); $operand1 = $rss_o1==RSS_RESOLVED?"$TRUE_RESOLVED":"$TRUE_SIMPLIFIED"; $operand1_ns = ($rss_o1 == RSS_RESOLVED) ? $operand1 : $ws_bo1.$operand1_ns.$ws_ao1.$operator.$ws_bo2.$operand2_ns.$ws_ao2; $ws_bo1 = $ws_bo1; $ws_ao1 = $ws_ao2; } elsif ( ($operator eq "!=") && ($operand1 eq $operand2) ) { $rss_o1 = max($rss_o1, $rss_o2, RSS_SIMPLIFIED); $operand1 = $rss_o1==RSS_RESOLVED?"$FALSE_RESOLVED":"$FALSE_SIMPLIFIED"; $operand1_ns = ($rss_o1 == RSS_RESOLVED) ? $operand1 : $ws_bo1.$operand1_ns.$ws_ao1.$operator.$ws_bo2.$operand2_ns.$ws_ao2; $ws_bo1 = $ws_bo1; $ws_ao1 = $ws_ao2; } else { # we have an expression which we can't simplify any further. # unsimplify both operands if they are simplified. print DBGOUT "$dbgStr Unsimplifying: $operand1 $operator $operand2\n" if $self->{dbg}; print DBGOUT "$dbgStr ... ns1 \"$operand1_ns\" ns2 \"$operand2_ns\"\n" if $self->{dbg}; if ($rss_o1 == RSS_SIMPLIFIED) { $operand1 = $operand1_ns; $rss_o1 = RSS_UNCHANGED; } if ($rss_o2 == RSS_SIMPLIFIED) { $operand2 = $operand2_ns; $rss_o2 = RSS_UNCHANGED; } $operand1 =~ s/\b$SIMPLIFIED_PREFIX|$RESOLVED_PREFIX//g; $operand2 =~ s/\b$SIMPLIFIED_PREFIX|$RESOLVED_PREFIX//g; $operand1 = $operand1 . $ws_ao1 . $operator . $ws_bo2 . $operand2; $operand1_ns = $operand1; $ws_bo1 = $ws_bo1; $ws_ao1 = $ws_ao2; $rss_o1 = max($rss_o1, $rss_o2); print DBGOUT "$dbgStr ... Unsimplified: $operand1\n" if $self->{dbg}; } print DBGOUT "$dbgStr ==> \"$operand1\", r:\"$remainder\", ns:\"$operand1_ns\" \n" if $self->{dbg}; } else { print DBGOUT "$dbgStr op precidence exceded: returning \"$operand1\", r:\"$remainder\", ns:\"$operand1_ns\"\n\n" if $self->{dbg}; return ( $operand1, $remainder, $rss_o1, $operand1_ns ); } print DBGOUT "$dbgStr operand1 = $operand1, r:$remainder\n" if $self->{dbg}; } else { $self->{error} = "operator not found .$operator."; print STDERR "".$self->{error}."\n" if($showErrs); return; # error } } print DBGOUT "$dbgStr end while loop o1=\"$operand1\", r=\"$remainder\", s=".$rss_o1.",ns:\"$operand1_ns\"\n\n" if $self->{dbg}; $operator = ""; $operand2 = ""; } return ( $operand1, $remainder, $rss_o1, $operand1_ns ); } sub parseIf { my $self = shift; my $litExpr = shift; my $expression = shift; my $keep = shift; my $simplified = shift; my $lang = $self->{lang}; my $nextExprType; my $nextConditional; my $line; my $WS = $EXPR->{$lang}->{WHITESPACE}; $keep = 1 if ( $simplified && $keep == 2); if ( $simplified && $expression =~ /^($WS)($TRUE_PTRN)($WS)$/ ) { # do not echo #if. # find next #else / #elseif, and wipe till #endif: ( $nextExprType, $nextConditional ) = $self->parseLines($keep); while ( $nextExprType =~ /$EXPR->{$lang}->{ELSEIF}/s ) { ( $nextExprType, $nextConditional ) = $self->parseLines(0); if (!$nextExprType) { $self->{error} = "unexpected end of file"; print STDERR "".$self->{error}."\n" if($showErrs); return; } } if ( $nextExprType =~ /$EXPR->{$lang}->{ELSE}/s ) { ( $nextExprType, $nextConditional ) = $self->parseLines(0); } if (!$nextExprType) { $self->{error} = "unexpected end of file"; print STDERR "".$self->{error}."\n" if($showErrs); return; } if ( $nextExprType !~ /$EXPR->{$lang}->{ENDIF}/s ) { $self->{error} = "unterminated if ($expression)"; print STDERR "".$self->{error}."\n" if($showErrs); return; } return (1); } elsif ( $simplified && $expression =~ /^($WS)$FALSE_PTRN($WS)$/ ) { #do not echo #if. #if we find an elseif, treat it as an if #if we find an else, echo till endif (do not echo endif) my ( $nextExprType, $nextConditional ) = $self->parseLines(0); if (!$nextExprType) { $self->{error} = "unterminated if ($expression)"; print STDERR "".$self->{error}."\n" if($showErrs); return; } if ( $nextExprType =~ /$EXPR->{$lang}->{ELSEIF}/s ) { my ($nextExpression, $wasSimplified) = $self->parseCondition($nextConditional); $self->parseIf( $EXPR->{$lang}->{LIT_IF}, $nextExpression, $keep, $wasSimplified ); } elsif ( $nextExprType =~ /$EXPR->{$lang}->{ELSE}/s ) { ( $nextExprType, $nextConditional ) = $self->parseLines($keep); } if ( $nextExprType !~ /$EXPR->{$lang}->{ENDIF}/s ) { $self->{error} = "unterminated if ($expression)"; print STDERR "".$self->{error}."\n" if($showErrs); return; } # do not echo endif } else { #unresolved condition: echo if #if we find an elsif, resolve condition, and remove code if false #if we find an else, echo that. #echo endif $line = $litExpr . $expression; $line =~ s/$LINE_CONT/\\\n/g; print $OUTFILE $line . "\n" if $self->shouldPrint($keep); ( $nextExprType, $nextConditional ) = $self->parseLines($keep); if (!$nextExprType) { $self->{error} = "Unmatched $litExpr $expression at eof"; print STDERR "".$self->{error}."\n" if($showErrs); return; } while ( $nextExprType =~ /$EXPR->{$lang}->{ELSEIF}/s ) { my ($nextExpression, $wasSimplified) = $self->parseCondition($nextConditional); #my $nextExpression = $nextConditional; if ( $wasSimplified && $nextExpression =~ m/($WS)$TRUE_PTRN($WS)/ ) { print $OUTFILE $EXPR->{$lang}->{LIT_ELSE} . "\n" if $self->shouldPrint($keep); ( $nextExprType, $nextConditional ) = $self->parseLines($keep); while ( !( $nextExprType =~ /$EXPR->{$lang}->{ENDIF}/s ) ) { if (!$nextExprType) { $self->{error} = "unexpected end of file"; print STDERR "".$self->{error}."\n" if($showErrs); return; } ( $nextExprType, $nextConditional ) = $self->parseLines(0); } } elsif ( $wasSimplified && $nextExpression =~ /($WS)$FALSE_PTRN($WS)/ ) { ( $nextExprType, $nextConditional ) = $self->parseLines(0); } else { $line = $EXPR->{$lang}->{LIT_ELSEIF} . $nextExpression; $line =~ s/$LINE_CONT/\\\n/g; print $OUTFILE $line . "\n" if $self->shouldPrint($keep); ( $nextExprType, $nextConditional ) = $self->parseLines($keep); } } if ( $nextExprType =~ /$EXPR->{$lang}->{ELSE}/s ) { $line = $nextExprType . $nextConditional; $line =~ s/$LINE_CONT/\\\n/g; print $OUTFILE $line . "\n" if $self->shouldPrint($keep); ( $nextExprType, $nextConditional ) = $self->parseLines($keep); } if ( $nextExprType !~ /$EXPR->{$lang}->{ENDIF}/s ) { $self->{error} = "expected endif ($nextExprType)"; print STDERR "".$self->{error}."\n" if($showErrs); return; } # this line must be an endif, echo, and return $line = $nextExprType . $nextConditional; $line =~ s/$LINE_CONT/\\\n/g; print $OUTFILE $line . "\n" if $self->shouldPrint($keep); } return (1); } sub parseLines { my $self = shift; my $keep = shift; my $lang = $self->{lang}; my $line; my $newLine; my $litExpr; my $expression; while (1) { $line = ( shift @{ $self->{inlines} } ); return unless defined($line); chomp $line; while ( $line =~ /^(.*)\\$/s ) { #switch \ at end of line to whitespace -- but we will need to recover it later on, # $line = $1 . $LINE_CONT . ( shift @{ $self->{inlines} } ); chomp $line; } if ( $line =~ m#$EXPR->{$lang}->{START_ML_COMMENT}#s ) { # Treat multi-line comments as a single line while ( $newLine = ( shift @{ $self->{inlines} } ) ) { chomp $newLine; $line = $line . "\n" . $newLine; last if $newLine =~ m#$EXPR->{$lang}->{END_ML_COMMENT}#s; } } if ( $line =~ /$EXPR->{$lang}->{IFDEF}/s ) { $litExpr = $1; $expression = $2; #$macro = $expression =~ /^\s+(\S+)/s ; my $macro = trim($expression); print DBGOUT "litExpr=$litExpr, expression=$expression, macro=.$macro.\n" if $self->{dbg}; if ( $self->{defines}->{$macro} ) { print DBGOUT "calling parseIf TRUE\n" if $self->{dbg}; $self->parseIf( $EXPR->{$lang}->{LIT_IF}, "$TRUE_RESOLVED", $keep, 1 ); $self->{wasModified}=1; } elsif ( $self->{undefines}->{$macro} ) { print DBGOUT "calling parseIf FALSE\n" if $self->{dbg}; $self->parseIf( $EXPR->{$lang}->{LIT_IF}, "$FALSE_RESOLVED", $keep, 1 ); $self->{wasModified}=1; } else { print DBGOUT "calling parseIf $expression\n" if $self->{dbg}; $self->parseIf( $litExpr, $expression, $keep, 0 ); } } elsif ( $line =~ /$EXPR->{$lang}->{IFNDEF}/s ) { $litExpr = $1; $expression = $2; #$macro = $expression =~ /^\s+(\S+)/s ; my $macro = trim($expression); if ( $self->{defines}->{$macro} ) { $self->parseIf( $EXPR->{$lang}->{LIT_IF}, "$FALSE_RESOLVED", $keep, 1 ); $self->{wasModified}=1; } elsif ( $self->{undefines}->{$macro} ) { $self->parseIf( $EXPR->{$lang}->{LIT_IF}, "$TRUE_RESOLVED", $keep, 1 ); $self->{wasModified}=1; } else { $self->parseIf( $litExpr, $expression, $keep, 0 ); } } elsif ( $line =~ /$EXPR->{$lang}->{IF}/s ) { $litExpr = $1; my $wasSimplified; ($expression, $wasSimplified) = $self->parseCondition($2); $self->parseIf( $litExpr, $expression, $keep, $wasSimplified ); } elsif ( $line =~ /$EXPR->{$lang}->{ELSEIF}/s ) { $litExpr = $1; $expression = $2; return ( $litExpr, $expression ); } elsif ( $line =~ /$EXPR->{$lang}->{ELSE}/s ) { $litExpr = $1; $expression = $2; return ( $litExpr, $expression ); } elsif ( $line =~ /$EXPR->{$lang}->{ENDIF}/s ) { $litExpr = $1; $expression = $2; return ( $litExpr, $expression ); } else { # replace stripped out line cont's: $line =~ s/$LINE_CONT/\\\n/g; print $OUTFILE $line . "\n" if $self->shouldPrint($keep); } } } ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## KCONFIG support: ## ## Note: Kconfig work very differently than Makefiles or C files ## ## # NOTE: if behaviour is actually simplified a bit: in reality, if appends a # condition to all items inside of it. (So, if you had an # # if x # source # endif # # then source would still get expanded, only every entry in # would have if x appended to its end. This code treats if # differently, in that it would remove source entirely if x # was false... sub kconfigSimplifyExprTop { my $self = shift; my $origExpr = shift; my %realval = ( $Y => "y", $M => "m", $N => "n"); my $check = join '|', keys %realval; my $expr = $self->kconfigSimplifyExpr($origExpr); my $rtExpr = $expr; $rtExpr =~ s/($check)/$realval{$1}/g; $self->{wasModified} = 1 if ( $origExpr ne $rtExpr ); return (trim($rtExpr),trim($expr)); } sub kconfigSimplifyExpr { my $self = shift; my $expr = shift; my ($ws1, $ws2, $ws3, $ws4, $ws5, $ws6, $op1, $op2); my ($ws11, $ws12, $ws21, $ws22); my ($e1, $e2); if ($expr =~ /^($BRACE_MATCH)\|\|($BRACE_MATCH)$/ ) { ($e1, $e2) = ($1,$2); ($ws11,$op1,$ws12) = trimWs($self->kconfigSimplifyExpr($e1)); ($ws21,$op2,$ws22) = trimWs($self->kconfigSimplifyExpr($e2)); return $Y if ($op1 eq $Y || $op2 eq $Y); return $M if (($op1 eq $M || $op1 eq $Y) && ($op2 eq $M || $op2 eq $Y)); return $N if ($op1 eq $N && $op2 eq $N); return "".$ws11.$op1 if ($op2 eq $N); return "".$ws11.$op2 if ($op1 eq $N); return "".$ws11.$op1.$ws12."||".$ws21.$M if ($op2 eq $M); return "".$ws11.$M.$ws12."||".$ws21.$op2 if ($op1 eq $M); return "".$ws11.$op1.$ws12."||".$ws21.$op2.$ws22; } elsif ($expr =~ /^($BRACE_MATCH)&&($BRACE_MATCH)$/ ) { ($e1, $e2) = ($1,$2); ($ws11,$op1,$ws12) = trimWs($self->kconfigSimplifyExpr($e1)); ($ws21,$op2,$ws22) = trimWs($self->kconfigSimplifyExpr($e2)); return $Y if ($op1 eq $Y && $op2 eq $Y); return $M if (($op1 eq $M || $op1 eq $Y) && ($op2 eq $M || $op2 eq $Y)); return $N if ($op1 eq $N || $op2 eq $N); return "".$ws11.$op1.$ws12 if ($op2 eq $Y); return "".$ws11.$op2.$ws12 if ($op1 eq $Y); return "".$ws11.$op1.$ws12."&&".$ws21.$M.$ws22 if ($op2 eq $M); return "".$ws11.$M.$ws12."&&".$ws21.$op2 if ($op1 eq $M); return "".$ws11.$op1.$ws12."&&".$ws21.$op2.$ws22; } elsif ($expr =~ /^(\s*)!($BRACE_MATCH)$/ ) { ($ws1, $e1) =($1,$2); ($ws11,$op1,$ws12) = trimWs($self->kconfigSimplifyExpr($e1)); return $ws11.$N.$ws12 if ($op1 eq $Y); return $ws11.$M.$ws12 if ($op1 eq $M); return $ws11.$Y.$ws12 if ($op1 eq $N); return "".$ws1."!".$ws11.$op1.$ws12; } elsif ($expr =~ /^(\s*)\(($BRACE_MATCH)\)(\s*)$/ ) { ($ws1, $e1, $ws2) =($1,$2,$3); ($ws11,$op1,$ws12) = trimWs($self->kconfigSimplifyExpr($e1)); return $ws1.$Y.$ws2 if ($op1 eq $Y); return $ws1.$M.$ws2 if ($op1 eq $M); return $ws1.$N.$ws2 if ($op1 eq $N); #do not remove braces on unknown expressions: #return $ws1.$op1.$ws2 if ($op1 =~ /^\s*\w+\s*$/); return "".$ws1."(".$ws11.$op1.$ws12.")".$ws2; } elsif ($expr =~ /^($BRACE_MATCH)!=($BRACE_MATCH)$/ ) { ($e1, $e2) = ($1,$2); ($ws11,$op1,$ws12) = trimWs($self->kconfigSimplifyExpr($e1)); ($ws21,$op2,$ws22) = trimWs($self->kconfigSimplifyExpr($e2)); if ( ($op1 eq $Y || $op1 eq $M || $op1 eq $N) && ($op2 eq $Y || $op2 eq $M || $op2 eq $N)) { return $N if ($op1 eq $op2); return $Y; } else { return "".$ws11.$op1.$ws12."!=".$ws21.$op2.$ws22; } } elsif ($expr =~ /^($BRACE_MATCH)=($BRACE_MATCH)$/) { ($e1, $e2) = ($1,$2); ($ws11,$op1,$ws12) = trimWs($self->kconfigSimplifyExpr($e1)); ($ws21,$op2,$ws22) = trimWs($self->kconfigSimplifyExpr($e2)); if ( ($op1 eq $Y || $op1 eq $M || $op1 eq $N) && ($op2 eq $Y || $op2 eq $M || $op2 eq $N)) { return $Y if ($op1 eq $op2); return $N; } else { return "".$ws11.$op1.$ws12."=".$ws21.$op2.$ws22; } } elsif ($expr =~ /^(\s*)((?:\w|\")+)(\s*)$/) { return $1.$self->{kDefines}{$2}.$3 if defined $self->{kDefines}{trim($expr)}; return $expr; } die "WARNING -- could not resolve <$expr>!!\n"; return $expr; } my $LINE_SEP = "\r\t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t\r"; # returns the visible lenght of whitespace (assuming tabs are 8 characters wide) sub wslength { my $str = shift; # code taken from eugene y on # while($str =~ s/\t/" " x (8 - $-[0]%8)/e) {} return length($str); } # attempts to read attributes # stops when a line without indents is found sub kconfigReadAttributes { my $self = shift; my $outLinesRef = shift; # clear output: @$outLinesRef = (); my $isVisible = 1; while (1) { my $line = shift(@{$self->{inlines}}); print DBGOUT " - $line...\n" if ($self->{dbg}); last unless defined($line); chomp($line); # hack: combine two lines into one. while (substr($line, -1) eq "\\") { $line = substr($line,0,-1) . $LINE_SEP . shift(@{$self->{inlines}}); chomp($line); } if ($line =~ $COMMENT) { #comment: just push it $line =~ s/$LINE_SEP/\\\n/g; push(@$outLinesRef, $line."\n"); } elsif ($line =~ /^(\s*)$/) { #blank line -- end of attributes. Include blank line as #part of item. $line =~ s/$LINE_SEP/\\\n/g; push(@$outLinesRef, $line."\n"); last; } elsif ($line =~ /^[^\s]/) { #line with no preceding whitespace. Though the spec says there should #be whitespace between entries, this rule isn't followed everywhere. #unshif the line, and finish: unshift(@{$self->{inlines}}, $line); last; } elsif ($line =~ /^(\s+)-*\s*help\s*-*.*$/) { #special handling for help: it is multiline and ends when the #first line of text has less indentation than the first. $line =~ s/$LINE_SEP/\\\n/g; push(@$outLinesRef, $line."\n"); my $line = shift(@{$self->{inlines}}); if (defined($line)) { chomp($line); if ($line =~ /^(\s+)/) { # Grumble grumble: in at least one kernel Kconfig # file, they mixed up tabs and spaces...: my $blankLines = 0; my $helpIndentLen = wslength($1); $line =~ s/$LINE_SEP/\\\n/g; push(@$outLinesRef, $line."\n"); while (1) { my $line = shift(@{$self->{inlines}}); last unless defined($line); chomp($line); if (length($line) == 0) { $blankLines++; } else { $line =~ /^(\s*)/; if (wslength($1) < $helpIndentLen) { unshift(@{$self->{inlines}}, $line); while($blankLines--) {unshift(@{$self->{inlines}}, "");}; last; } else { while($blankLines > 0) {$blankLines--; push(@$outLinesRef, "\n");}; $line =~ s/$LINE_SEP/\\\n/g; push(@$outLinesRef, $line."\n"); } } } } else { # Grumble grumle -- apperently it's possible to have empty # help fields... unshift(@{$self->{inlines}}, $line); } } } elsif ($line =~ /^(\s+depends on\s*)(.*)$/) { my $tmp = $1; my ($condition,$result) = $self->kconfigSimplifyExprTop($2); if ($result eq $N) { $isVisible = 0; } if ($result eq $Y || $result eq $M) { #do not echo } else { $condition =~ s/$LINE_SEP/\\\n/g; push(@$outLinesRef, $tmp . $condition . "\n"); } } elsif ($line =~ /^(\s+(?:[^"]|(?:"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"))+)(\s+if\s+)(.*?)(\s*\#.*)?$/) { my $term = $1; my $ifTerm = $2; my $eolComment = defined($4) ? $4 : ""; print DBGOUT " conditional statement: $3" if ($self->{dbg}); my ($condition,$result) = $self->kconfigSimplifyExprTop($3); if ($result eq $N) { } elsif ($result eq $Y || $result eq $M) { $term =~ s/$LINE_SEP/\\\n/g; $eolComment =~ s/$LINE_SEP/\\\n/g; push(@$outLinesRef, $term . $eolComment . "\n"); } else { $term =~ s/$LINE_SEP/\\\n/g; $ifTerm =~ s/$LINE_SEP/\\\n/g; $condition =~ s/$LINE_SEP/\\\n/g; $eolComment =~ s/$LINE_SEP/\\\n/g; push(@$outLinesRef, $term . $ifTerm . $condition . $eolComment ."\n"); } } elsif ($line =~ /^\s+(\w+)\s*(.*)$/) { $line =~ s/$LINE_SEP/\\\n/g; print DBGOUT " + - $line...\n" if ($self->{dbg}); push(@$outLinesRef, $line."\n"); } else { $self->{error} = "Error parsing Kconfig file ($line)"; print STDERR "".$self->{error}."\n" if($showErrs); last; } } return $isVisible; } # return 0 invisible entry, return 1 visible entry, 2 for end-block command sub kconfigReadNextEntry { my $self = shift; my $outLinesRef = shift; my $isVisible = 1; my $hideEndif = 0; my $line; do { $line = ( shift @{ $self->{inlines} } ); print DBGOUT " > $line...\n" if ($self->{dbg}); return 1 unless defined($line); chomp($line); # in the case of an unexpected endblock, push the endblock back onto the array, # and return 2. The caller will process the endblock line. if ($line =~ "\^endchoice" || $line =~ "\^endmenu" || $line =~ "\^endif") { unshift(@{ $self->{inlines} }, $line."\n"); return 2; } push(@$outLinesRef, $line."\n"); } while( $line =~ /$COMMENT/ || $line =~ /$BLANK_LINE/); if ( $line =~ /^source\s/ || $line =~ /^mainmenu\s/ ) { return 1; } if ( $line =~ /^config\s/ || $line =~ /^menuconfig\s/ || $line =~ /^comment/ || $line =~ /^choice/ || $line =~ /^menu/) { #read attributes my @entryAttributes = (); $isVisible = $self->kconfigReadAttributes(\@entryAttributes); $self->{wasModified} = 1 unless ($isVisible); push(@$outLinesRef, @entryAttributes) if ($isVisible); } my $endStr = ""; $endStr = qw/endchoice/ if ($line =~ /^choice\s*$/); $endStr = qw/endmenu/ if ($line =~ /^menu\s/); $endStr = qw/endif/ if ($line =~ /^if\s/); if ($endStr) { $hideEndif = 0; #special handling for if: we need to modify the condition if ($line =~ /^if\s+(.*?)(\s*(?:\#.*$))?$/) { my ($condition, $result, $eolComment) = ($self->kconfigSimplifyExprTop($1), $2); $eolComment = "" if !defined($eolComment); if ($condition ne $1) { # expression changed -- rewriting if ($result eq $N) { $isVisible = 0 ; $self->{wasModified} = 1; } elsif ($result eq $Y || $result eq $M) { #pop off if statement (if statement may be multiline...) #print STDERR "condition: ".$condition." Y:".$Y."\n"; while (! (pop(@$outLinesRef) =~ /^if\s/) ) {}; $self->{wasModified} = 1; $hideEndif = 1 ; } else { #pop off if statement (if statement may be multiline...) while (! (pop(@$outLinesRef) =~ /^if\s/) ) {}; push(@$outLinesRef, "if ".$condition.$eolComment."\n"); } } } #read block: while(1) { my @subEntryOutLines = (); last if (scalar(@{$self->{inlines}}) <= 0); my $isNextEntryVisible = $self->kconfigReadNextEntry(\@subEntryOutLines); if ($isNextEntryVisible != 0) { push(@$outLinesRef, @subEntryOutLines) if ($isVisible); } else { $self->{wasModified} = 1; } if ($isNextEntryVisible == 2) { #Get next entry found endmenu, endchoice or endif. #Last line was unshifted back into inLines my $closingLine = ( shift @{ $self->{inlines} } ); if (!defined($closingLine)) { $self->{error} = "Internal Error (1)\n"; print STDERR "".$self->{error}."\n" if($showErrs); return; } if ( $closingLine =~ /^$endStr/) { push(@$outLinesRef, $closingLine) if ($isVisible && !$hideEndif); last; } else { $self->{error} = "Unexpected closing line: <".trim($closingLine)."> (expecting <$endStr>)\n"; print STDERR "".$self->{error}."\n" if($showErrs); return; } } } } return $isVisible; } 1;