Test::HTML::Content - Perl extension for testing HTML output


This is a module to test the HTML output of your programs in simple
test scripts. It can test a scalar (presumably containing HTML) for
the presence (or absence, or a specific number) of tags having (or
lacking) specific attributes. Unspecified attributes are ignored,
and the attribute values can be specified as either scalars (meaning
a match succeeds if the strings are identical) or regular expressions
(meaning that a match succeeds if the actual attribute value is matched
by the given RE) or undef (meaning that the attribute must not
be present).

If you want to specify or test the deeper structure
of the HTML (for example, META tags within the BODY) or the (textual)
content of tags, you will have to resort to C<xpath_ok>,C<xpath_count>
and C<no_xpath>, which take an XPath expression. If you find yourself crafting
very complex XPath expression to verify the structure of your output, it is
time to rethink your testing process and maybe use a template based solution
or simply compare against prefabricated files as a whole.

The used HTML parser is HTML::TokeParser, the used XPath module
is XML::XPath or XML::LibXML. XML::XPath needs valid xHTML, XML::LibXML
will try its best to force your code into xHTML, but it is best to
supply valid xHTML (snippets) to the test functions.

If no XPath parsers/interpreters are available, the tests will automatically
skip, so your users won't need to install XML::XPath or XML::LibXML. The module
then falls back onto a crude implementation of the core functions for tags,
links, comments and text, and the diagnostic output of the tests varies a bit.

The test functionality is derived from L<Test::Builder>, and the export
behaviour is the same. When you use Test::HTML::Content, a set of
HTML testing functions is exported into the namespace of the caller.


This is a Perl module distribution. It should be installed with whichever
tool you use to manage your installation of Perl, e.g. any of

  cpanm .
  cpan  .
  cpanp -i .

Consult https://www.cpan.org/modules/INSTALL.html for further instruction.
Should you wish to install this module manually, the procedure is

  perl Makefile.PL
  make test
  make install


perl(1), L<Test::Builder>,L<Test::Simple>,L<Test::HTML::Lint>.


Max Maischein E<lt>corion@cpan.orgE<gt>


This code may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.