Test::CPAN::Meta::JSON ====================== DESCRIPTION Validation of the META.json file in a CPAN distribution. This module was written to ensure that a META.json file, provided with a standard distribution uploaded to CPAN, meets the specifications that are slowly being introduced to module uploads, via the use of package makers and installers such as ExtUtils::MakeMaker, Module::Build and Module::Install. Current CPAN META Specification, 2.0, was finally approved in April 2010, which forms the basis for the contents of a META.json file. The full specification is now included with the CPAN-Meta distribution. http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?CPAN::Meta DEPENDENCIES The distribution requires the following modules: JSON >= 2.15 Test::Builder >= 0 For testing purposes, the following modules are required: Test::More >= 0.62 For testing purposes, the following modules are desireable, but not essential: Test::More >= 0.70 Test::Pod >= 1.00 Test::Pod::Coverage >= 0.08 Pod::Coverage INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install For more detailed installation instructions, see INSTALL. USAGE Read the pod documentation in the distribution files. CHANGES For a complete list of changes, see the Changes file. SUPPORT There are no known bugs at the time of this release. However, if you spot a bug or are experiencing difficulties that are not explained within the POD documentation, please send an email to barbie@cpan.org or submit a bug to the RT system (http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Test-CPAN-Meta-JSON). However, it would help greatly if you are able to pinpoint problems or even supply a patch. Fixes are dependent upon their severity and my availability. Should a fix not be forthcoming, please feel free to (politely) remind me. AUTHOR Barbie <barbie@cpan.org> for Miss Barbell Productions http://www.missbarbell.co.uk. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Barbie for Miss Barbell Productions This distribution is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic Licence v2.