NAME curry - Create automatic curried method call closures for any class or object SYNOPSIS use curry; my $code = $obj->curry::frobnicate('foo'); is equivalent to: my $code = sub { $obj->frobnicate(foo => @_) }; Additionally, use curry::weak; my $code = $obj->curry::weak::frobnicate('foo'); is equivalent to: my $code = do { Scalar::Util::weaken(my $weak_obj = $obj); sub { return unless $weak_obj; # in case it already went away $weak_obj->frobnicate(foo => @_) }; }; RATIONALE How many times have you written sub { $obj->something($some, $args, @_) } or worse still needed to weaken it and had to check and re-check your code to be sure you weren't closing over things the wrong way? Right. That's why I wrote this. AUTHOR mst - Matt S. Trout (cpan:MSTROUT) <> CONTRIBUTORS None yet - maybe this software is perfect! (ahahahahahahahahaha) COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2012 the curry "AUTHOR" and "CONTRIBUTORS" as listed above. LICENSE This library is free software and may be distributed under the same terms as perl itself.