# NAME Otogiri::Plugin::InsertAndFetch - An Otogiri plugin that keep compatibility for insert method # SYNOPSIS use Otogiri; use Otogiri::Plugin; Otogiri->load_plugin('InsertAndFetch'); my $db = Otogiri->new(...); my $row = $db->insert_and_fetch(book => {title => 'Acmencyclopedia', author => 'makamaka'}); printf("title: %s\n", $row->{title}); # -> title: Acmencyclopedia # DESCRIPTION Otogiri::Plugin::InsertAndFetch is an Otogiri plugin. It provides 'insert\_and\_fetch' method to Otogiri instance. # METHODS ## insert\_and\_fetch my $row = $db->insert($table_name => $columns_in_hashref); Insert data. Then, returns row data. # LICENSE Copyright (C) ytnobody. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR ytnobody <ytnobody@gmail.com> # SEE ALSO [Otogiri](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Otogiri)