# NAME SMS::Send::Driver::WebService - SMS::Send driver base class for web services # SYNOPSIS package SMS::Send::My::Driver; use base qw{SMS::Send::Driver::WebService}; sub send_sms { my $self = shift; my $ua = $self->ua; #isa LWP::UserAgent my $uat = $self->uat; #isa HTTP::Tiny my $cfg = self->cfg; #isa Config::IniFiles #call web service die on critical error #parse return with a package like XML::Simple or JSON::XS #return 1 for successful or 0 for unsuccessful } # DESCRIPTION The SMS::Send::Driver::WebService package provides an [SMS::Send](https://metacpan.org/pod/SMS::Send) driver base class to support two common needs. The first need is a base class that provides [LWP::UserAgent](https://metacpan.org/pod/LWP::UserAgent) as a simple method. The second need is a way to configure various setting for multiple SMS providers without having to rebuild the SMS::Send driver concept. # USAGE use base qw{SMS::Send::Driver::WebService}; # METHODS ## new SMS::Send API; Note: $service isa SMS::Send object in this syntax my $service = SMS::Send->new("My::Driver", _username => $username, _password => $password, ); Driver API; Note: $service isa SMS::Send::My::Driver object in this syntax my $service = SMS::Send::My::Driver->new( username => $username, password => $password, ); SMS::Send API with SMS-Send.ini file SMS-Send.ini [My::Driver1] username=user1 password=pass1 [My::Driver2] username=user2 password=pass2 my $service1 = SMS::Send->new("My::Driver1"); #username and password read from SMS-Send.ini my $service2 = SMS::Send->new("My::Driver2"); #username and password read from SMS-Send.ini Driver API with SMS-Send.ini file my $service = SMS::Send::My::Driver1->new; ## initialize Initializes data to compensate for the API deltas between SMS::Send and this package (i.e. removes underscore "\_" from all parameters passed) In this example SMS::Send->new("My::Driver", _password => "mypassword"); \_password would be available to the driver as password=>"mypassword"; ## send\_sms You will need to overload this method in your sub class. Override in sub class (Example from Kannel SMSBox implementation) sub send_sms { my $self = shift; my %argv = @_; my $to = $argv{"to"} or die("Error: to address required"); my $text = defined($argv{"text"}) ? $argv{"text"} : ''; #use < 5.10 syntax to support older Perls my $url = $self->url; #isa URI my @form = ( username => $self->username, password => $self->password, to => $to, text => $text, ); $url->query_form(\@form); #isa URI my $response = $self->ua->get($url); #isa HTTP::Response see LWP::UserAgent->get die(sprintf("HTTP Error: %s", $response->status_line)) unless $response->is_success; my $content = $response->decoded_content; return $content =~ m/^0:/ ? 1 : 0; #0: Accepted for delivery } # PROPERTIES ## username Sets and returns the username string value Override in sub class sub _username_default {"myusername"}; Override in configuration [My::Driver] username=myusername ## password Sets and returns the password string value (passed to the web service as PWD) Override in sub class sub _password_default {"mypassword"}; Override in configuration [My::Driver] password=mypassword ## host Default: Override in sub class sub _host_default {"myhost.domain.tld"}; Override in configuration [My::Driver] host=myhost.domain.tld ## protocol Default: http Override in sub class sub _protocol_default {"https"}; Override in configuration [My::Driver] protocol=https ## port Default: 80 Override in sub class sub _port_default {443}; Override in configuration [My::Driver] port=443 ## script\_name Default: /cgi-bin/sendsms Override in sub class sub _script_name_default {"/path/file"}; Override in configuration [My::Driver] script_name=/path/file ## url Returns a [URI](https://metacpan.org/pod/URI) object based on above properties OR returns a string from sub class or configuration file. Override in sub class (Can be a string or any object that stringifies to a URL) sub _url_default {"http://myservice.domain.tld/path/file"}; Override in configuration [My::Driver] url=http://myservice.domain.tld/path/file Overriding the url method in the sub class or the configuration makes the protocol, host, port, and script\_name methods inoperable. # OBJECT ACCESSORS ## uat Returns a lazy loaded [HTTP::Tiny](https://metacpan.org/pod/HTTP::Tiny) object ## ua Returns a lazy loaded [LWP::UserAgent](https://metacpan.org/pod/LWP::UserAgent) object ## cfg Returns a lazy loaded [Config::IniFiles](https://metacpan.org/pod/Config::IniFiles) object so that you can read settings from the INI file. my $cfg=$driver->cfg; #isa Config::IniFiles ## cfg\_file Sets or returns the profile INI filename my $file=$driver->cfg_file; my $file=$driver->cfg_file("./my.ini"); Set on construction my $driver=SMS::Send::My::Driver->new(cfg_file=>"./my.ini"); Default: SMS-Send.ini ## cfg\_path Sets and returns a list of search paths for the INI file. my $path=$driver->cfg_path; # [] my $path=$driver->cfg_path(".", ".."); # [] Default: \["."\] Default: \[".", 'C:\\Windows'\] on Windows-like systems that have Win32 installed Default: \[".", "/etc"\] on other systems that have Sys::Path installed override in sub class sub cfg_path {["/my/path"]}; ## cfg\_section Returns driver name as specified by package namespace Example package SMS::Send::My::Driver; Configuration in SMS-Send.ini file [My::Driver] username=myuser password=mypass host=myserver ## cfg\_property my $property=$self->cfg_property("username"); my $property=$self->cfg_property("host", "mydefault"); ## warnings Enable warnings to STDERR for issues such as failed resource and web calls $ws->warnings(1); Default: 0 Override in sub class sub _warnings_default {1}; Override in configuration [My::Driver] warnings=1 ## debug Enable debug level to STDOUT for logging information such as steps, urls, and parameters $ws->debug(5); Default: 0 Override in sub class sub _debug_default {5}; Override in configuration [My::Driver] debug=5 # ISSUES Please open issue on GitHub # AUTHOR Michael R. Davis # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2025 Michael R. Davis MIT License # SEE ALSO [SMS::Send](https://metacpan.org/pod/SMS::Send)