XML::Toolset v1.025

This software started life as XML::Validate. Therefore it includes the BBC
(c) BBC 2005. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the GNU GPL.

I have modified it dramatically, so it also carries my copyright.
(c) Stephen Adkins 2007. This program is still free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the GNU GPL.

See the file COPYING in this distribution, or http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt


Install XML::Toolset by unpacking the tarball and running the following
commands in the source directory:

    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install
    Then delete the source directory tree since it's no longer needed.

    run 'perldoc XML::Toolset' to read the full documentation.


A lot of applications may require some XML processing (i.e via an XML Toolset).
However I want to be able to make these applications work regardless the 
XML toolset that you are using.  That is where XML::Toolset comes in.

XML::Toolset builds on the Service abstraction of the App-Context framework
(which I also wrote).


NOTE: Although the goal is to support all three backends and more, I am going to
start by getting the Xerces backend working first.  When that happens, any
volunteers are welcomed to help get the others working.

Backends for the following validators are included with this distribution:

    LibXML (& you'll need XML::LibXML)
    Xerces (& you'll need XML::Xerces)
    MSXML  (for Win32 platforms, needs Win32::OLE)

The default order of preference if all 3 are available is: Xerces, MSXML, LibXML