# NAME AnyEvent::Sub::Retry - retry $n times in AnyEvent # SYNOPSIS use AnyEvent::Sub::Retry; use AnyEvent::Socket; my $guard; my $cv = retry 3, 1, sub { my $cv = AE::cv; $guard = tcp_connect "www.google.com", "http", sub { my ($fh) = @_; if ($fh) { $cv->send($fh); } else { $cv->croak("unable to connect: $!"); } return $cv; }; return $cv; }; my $fh = $cv->recv; # DESCRIPTION AnyEvent::Sub::Retry is Sub::Retry like module in AnyEvent. In AnyEvent::Sub::Retry, code ref that is executed MUST returrn AnyEvent::CondVar object. Coderef MUST execute $cv->send or $cv->croak on case of error or success. # METHODS # FUNCTIONS ## retry($count, $interval\_second, $code\_ref) : AnyEvent::CondVar # LICENSE Copyright (C) maedama. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR maedama <maedama85@gmail.com>