NAME Cache::RedisDB - RedisDB based cache system DESCRIPTION This is just a wrapper around RedisDB to have a single Redis object and connection per process. By default uses server redis://, but it may be overwritten by REDIS_CACHE_SERVER environment variable. It transparently handles forks. COMPATIBILITY AND REQUIREMENTS Redis 2.6.12 and higher strongly recommended. Required if you want to use extended options in ->set(). SYNOPSIS use Cache::RedisDB; Cache::RedisDB->set("namespace", "key", "value"); Cache::RedisDB->get("namespace", "key"); METHODS redis_uri Returns a redis:// redis URI which will be used for the initial Redis connection. This will default to localhost on the standard port, and can be overridden with the REDIS_CACHE_SERVER environment variable. redis_connection Creates new connection to a Redis server and returns the corresponding RedisDB object. redis Returns a singleton RedisDB instance. get Takes a $namespace and $key parameter, and returns the scalar value corresponding to that cache entry. This will automatically deserialise data stored with Sereal. If no data is found, this will return undef. mget Retrieve values for multiple keys in a single call. Similar to "get", this takes a $namespace as the first parameter, but it also accepts a list of @keys to look up. Returns an arrayref in the same order as the original keys. For any key that had no value, the resulting arrayref will contain undef. set Creates or updates a Redis key under $namespace, $key using the scalar $value. Also takes an optional $exptime as expiration time in seconds. $redis->set($namespace, $key, $value); $redis->set($namespace, $key, $value, $expiry_time); Can also be provided a callback which will be executed once the command completes. set_nw($namespace, $key, $value[, $exptime]) Same as set but do not wait confirmation from server. If the server returns an error, it will be ignored. del($namespace, $key1[, $key2, ...]) Delete given keys and associated values from the cache. $namespace is common for all keys. Returns number of deleted keys. keys($namespace) Return an arrayref of all known keys in the provided $namespace. ttl($namespace, $key) Return the Time To Live (in seconds) of a key in the provided $namespace. flushall Delete all keys and associated values from the cache. AUTHOR, <perl at> BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-cache-redisdb at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Cache::RedisDB You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here) * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation * CPAN Ratings * Search CPAN