Template Toolkit - a Perl toolkit for template processing.

    The Template Toolkit module bundle is available from CPAN as:


    Unpack the archive to create an installation directory.
    Something like this:

        zcat Template-Toolkit-1.07.tar.gz | tar xvf -

    'cd' into that directory, make, test and install the modules:

        cd Template-Toolkit-1.07
        perl Makefile.PL
        make test
        make install

    NOTE: on Win32 systems, Microsoft's 'nmake' appears to be a
    suitable replacement for 'make'.

    The 'make install' will install the module on your system. You
    may need administrator privileges to perform this task. If you
    install the module in a local directory (for example, by
    executing "perl Makefile.PL LIB=~/lib" in the above - see
    `perldoc ExtUtils::MakeMaker' for full details), you will need
    to ensure that the PERL5LIB environment variable is set to
    include the location, or add a line to your scripts explicitly
    naming the library location:

        use lib '/local/path/to/lib';

    The Template Toolkit requires Perl 5.004 or later.

    The ttree script uses the AppConfig module (version 1.52+) for
    managing configuration information. This is available from CPAN


    The Template Toolkit comprises of a number of Perl modules,
    scripts and accompanying documentation.

    The Template module acts as a general interface to the toolkit
    and contains comprehensive documentation describing the toolkit,
    its usage and further sources of reference.

        perldoc Template

    The Template::Tutorial document provides an introduction to the
    Template Toolkit and shows some typical examples of usage.

        perldoc Template::Tutorial

    The tpage and ttree scripts are useful utilities for processing
    template documents, or entire content trees, respectively.

        perldoc tpage
        perldoc ttree

    -   Fast, flexible, generic and open template processing system.

    -   Simple template "mini-language" provides functionality to
        manipulate variables (GET/SET/DEFAULT), process other
        template component files (INCLUDE/PROCESS), iterate through
        various values (FOREACH), conditional branching
        (IF/UNLESS/ELSIF/ELSE), error handling (CATCH, THROW), flow
        control (BREAK, RETURN, STOP), loading "plugin" code (USE)
        and post-processing (FILTER). Optional PERL sections
        (disabled by default - see EVAL_PERL option) allow Perl code
        to be directly embedded with full interface to the Template
        Toolkit interface and variables.

    -   More complex application code can be developed in Perl (or C,
        C++, etc) and maintained separately as "plugin" code.
        Template processor binds user code to variables to provide
        access to application functionality from templates.

    -   This natural extensibility promotes the separation of the
        application (implementation) from the interface
        (presentation). Template documents remain simple and
        focussed on rendering the interface. Application code can be
        made more generic by concentrating on what the application
        does, not what it looks like. If and when you really need to
        embed Perl code, you can.

    -   Ideally suited, but not limited to, web content generation. The
        'tpage' and 'ttree' scripts help manage and build entire
        directory trees from source templates, library files and
        plugin components. The Template module can be used directly
        from CGI scripts, Apache/mod_perl handlers, or any other
        Perl code as a simple front-end to the Toolkit. Plugin
        modules are available for building tables, constructing
        URL's, interfacing to CGI, DBI, XML, DOM, etc.

    -   Template documents parsed by a fast LALR(1) parser which is
        generated from a YACC-like grammar. Parse::Yapp is used to
        compile the grammar. Parser grammar can be modified and re-
        compiled to create custom template languages.

    -   Parsed template documents are compiled to an intermediate form
        and cache. They can subsequently be rendered repeatedly in
        minimal time.

    -   Stash object manages references to complex external code and
        data and provides a simple template interface via bound

    -   Variables may be partitioned into nested namespaces.

    -   Custom error handling and recovery mechanisms implemented as
        basic exception handling. Users can define template blocks
        to be processed automatically when errors occur and define
        the subsequent course of action.

    -   Iterator objects can be created to handle complex set iteration.
        This is handled transparently by the FOREACH directive.

    -   Provides an extensible framework for other template languages,
        processors and applications, servers, etc.

    -   Template language is largely independent (theoretically at
        least) of the implementation language, platform, operating
        system, etc.

    -   Extensive documentation, test suite, examples, etc.

    -   `use strict' and `-w' safe. Y2K compliant (no dates used or

    -   Ongoing development and maintenance is part of a general
        research program into web-relevant software tools and
        techniques at Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.

    -   Fully open source code. Contributions, collaborations,
        suggestions and other feedback welcome.

    -   Mailing list and web site. See

        #!/path/to/perl -w
        use strict;
        use Template;
        # create a template processor
        my $tproc = Template->new({ 
            INCLUDE_PATH => '/user/abw/templates', # template search path
        # define variables for use in templates
        my $vars  = {
            'animal' => 'cat',
            'place'  => 'mat',
            'list'   => [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ],
            'user'   => { 
                'name'  => 'Me, Myself, I', 
                'email' => ''  
        # process a template file, output defaults to STDOUT
        $tproc->process('myfile', $vars)
            || die $tproc->error(), "\n";


        [% INCLUDE header
           title = 'Hello World!'

        The [% animal %] sat on the [% place %]

        <a href="mailto:[% %]">[% %]</a>

        [% FOREACH item = list %]
           <li>[% item %]
        [% END %]


        <!-- ...output from processing 'header' template... -->

        The cat sat on the mat

        <a href="">Me, Myself, I</a>


    Apache/mod_perl handler:

        sub handler {
            my $r    = shift;
            my $file = $r->path_info();  # or some other mapping

            my $template = Template->new({ 
                INCLUDE_PATH => '/where/to/look/for/templates',
                OUTPUT       => $r,

            $template->process($file) || do {
                return SERVER_ERROR;

            return OK;

    A mailing list exists for up-to-date information on the Template
    Toolkit and for following and contributing to the development
    process. To subscribe, send an email to

    with the message 'subscribe' in the body, or use the web
    interface to subscribe or browse the archives at

    Andy Wardley <>

    This is version 1.07 of the Template Toolkit.

    Please consult the Changes file for information about visible
    changes in the Template Toolkit between releases. The TODO file
    contains details of known bugs, planned enhancements, features,
    fixes, etc.

    The latest version of the Template Toolkit can be downloaded
    from any CPAN site:


    Information regarding interim and development versions is posted
    to the templates mailing list.

    Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.
    Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.

    This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.